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Aging effects in the ATLAS transition radiation tracker and gas filtration studies

Publication ,  Journal Article
Åkesson, T; Anghinolfi, F; Arik, E; Baker, OK; Banas, E; Baron, S; Benjamin, D; Bertelsen, H; Bondarenko, V; Bytchkov, V; Callahan, J; Dam, M ...
Published in: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
December 1, 2005

The Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is one of three particle tracking detectors now under construction for the ATLAS experiment, whose goal is to exploit the highly exciting new physics potential at CERN's next accelerator, the so called Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The TRT consists of 370000 straw proportional tubes of 4 mm diameter with a 30 micron thick anode wire, which will be operated with a Xe/CO2/O2 gas mixture at a high voltage of approximately 1.5 kV. While the construction of the TRT is now well under way, a number of interesting and challenging questions need to be solved with regard to wire aging phenomena, which are induced by pollution originating from very small amounts of silicon-based vacuum materials in some components of the gas system. Finally a guideline to avoid aging in wire chamber detectors in high luminosity experiments is given. © 2005 IEEE.

Duke Scholars

Published In

IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record




Publication Date

December 1, 2005



Start / End Page

1185 / 1190


Åkesson, T., Anghinolfi, F., Arik, E., Baker, O. K., Banas, E., Baron, S., … Williams, H. H. (2005). Aging effects in the ATLAS transition radiation tracker and gas filtration studies. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2, 1185–1190.
Åkesson, T., F. Anghinolfi, E. Arik, O. K. Baker, E. Banas, S. Baron, D. Benjamin, et al. “Aging effects in the ATLAS transition radiation tracker and gas filtration studies.” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2 (December 1, 2005): 1185–90.
Åkesson T, Anghinolfi F, Arik E, Baker OK, Banas E, Baron S, et al. Aging effects in the ATLAS transition radiation tracker and gas filtration studies. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 2005 Dec 1;2:1185–90.
Åkesson, T., et al. “Aging effects in the ATLAS transition radiation tracker and gas filtration studies.” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, vol. 2, Dec. 2005, pp. 1185–90. Scopus, doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2005.1596462.
Åkesson T, Anghinolfi F, Arik E, Baker OK, Banas E, Baron S, Benjamin D, Bertelsen H, Bondarenko V, Bytchkov V, Callahan J, Capeáns M, Cardiel-Sas L, Catinaccio A, Cetin SA, Chandler JT, Cwetanski P, Dam M, Danielsson H, Dittus F, Dolgoshein B, Dressnandt N, Driouichi C, Ebenstein WL, Eerola P, Egorov K, Farthouat P, Fedin O, Froidevaux D, Gagnon P, Gay C, Ghodbane N, Grichkevitch Y, Grigalashvili N, Grognuz J, Hajduk Z, Hansen P, Katunin S, Kayumov F, Keener PT, Kekelidze G, Khristatchev A, Kittelmann TH, Konovalov S, Koudine L, Kovalenko S, Kowalski T, Kramarenko VA, Krüger K, Laritchev A, LeGeyt B, Lichard P, Luehring F, Lundberg B, Mackeprang R, Maleev V, Markina I, Martin AJ, McFarlane KW, Mialkowski V, Michine S, Mindur B, Mitsou VA, Mjörnmark U, Morozov S, Munar A, Muraviev S, Nadtochy A, Nesterov S, Newcomer FM, Nikitine N, Ogren H, Oh SH, Oleshko S, Olszowska J, Patritchev S, Peshekhonov V, Petti R, Price M, Rembser C, Røhne O, Romaniouk A, Rust DR, Ryabov Y, Ryjov V, Schegelsky V, Schmidt MP, Seliverstoy D, Shin T, Shmeleva A, Smirnov S, Sosnovtsev V, Soutchkov S, Sprachmann G, Tikhomirov V, Van Berg R, Vassilakopoulos VI, Vassilieva L, Wang C, Williams HH. Aging effects in the ATLAS transition radiation tracker and gas filtration studies. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 2005 Dec 1;2:1185–1190.

Published In

IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record




Publication Date

December 1, 2005



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1185 / 1190