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Searching in an Unknown Environment: An Optimal Randomized Algorithm for the Cow-Path Problem

Publication ,  Journal Article
Kao, MY; Reif, JH; Tate, SR
Published in: Information and Computation
November 25, 1996

Searching for a goal is a central and extensively studied problem in computer science. In classical searching problems, the cost of a search function is simply the number of queries made to an oracle that knows the position of the goal. In many robotics problems, as well as in problems from other areas, we want to charge a cost proportional to the distance between queries (e.g., the time required to travel between two query points). With this cost function in mind, the abstract problem known as the w-lane cow-path problem was designed. There are known optimal deterministic algorithms for the cow-path problem; we give the first randomized algorithm in this paper. We show that our algorithm is optimal for two paths (w = 2) and give evidence that it is optimal for larger values of w. Subsequent to the preliminary version of this paper, Kao et al. (in "Proceedings, 5th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithm," pp. 372-381, 1994) have shown that our algorithm is indeed optimal for all w≥2. Our randomized algorithm gives expected performance that is almost twice as good as is possible with a deterministic algorithm. For the performance of our algorithm, we also derive the asymptotic growth with respect to w - despite similar complexity results for related problems, it appears that this growth has never been analyzed. © 1996 Academic Press.

Duke Scholars

Published In

Information and Computation




Publication Date

November 25, 1996





Start / End Page

63 / 79

Related Subject Headings

  • Computation Theory & Mathematics
  • 46 Information and computing sciences
  • 08 Information and Computing Sciences


Kao, M. Y., Reif, J. H., & Tate, S. R. (1996). Searching in an Unknown Environment: An Optimal Randomized Algorithm for the Cow-Path Problem. Information and Computation, 131(1), 63–79.
Kao, M. Y., J. H. Reif, and S. R. Tate. “Searching in an Unknown Environment: An Optimal Randomized Algorithm for the Cow-Path Problem.” Information and Computation 131, no. 1 (November 25, 1996): 63–79.
Kao MY, Reif JH, Tate SR. Searching in an Unknown Environment: An Optimal Randomized Algorithm for the Cow-Path Problem. Information and Computation. 1996 Nov 25;131(1):63–79.
Kao, M. Y., et al. “Searching in an Unknown Environment: An Optimal Randomized Algorithm for the Cow-Path Problem.” Information and Computation, vol. 131, no. 1, Nov. 1996, pp. 63–79. Scopus, doi:10.1006/inco.1996.0092.
Kao MY, Reif JH, Tate SR. Searching in an Unknown Environment: An Optimal Randomized Algorithm for the Cow-Path Problem. Information and Computation. 1996 Nov 25;131(1):63–79.
Journal cover image

Published In

Information and Computation




Publication Date

November 25, 1996





Start / End Page

63 / 79

Related Subject Headings

  • Computation Theory & Mathematics
  • 46 Information and computing sciences
  • 08 Information and Computing Sciences