Accelerator archeology - the resurrection of the Stanford MarkIII electron linac at Duke
In the early 1960s, the Mark III accelerator at the Stanford High Energy Physics Laboratory was used as the prototype test-bed for the SLAC Two-Mile accelerator. In the mid 1980s the accelerator was dismantled and a large part of it was transported to the Duke University Free-Electron Laser Laboratory to form the basis of the injector for the 1-GeV Duke Storage Ring. The plan was to use the original accelerator sections and some rf equipment with new magnetic optics, vacuum system, gun and a modern control system. The first 295-MeV portion of the linac is now operational at Duke. The linac currently consists of eleven sections from the old linac with a single-cell rf gun. Our guiding principal has been one of economy and simplicity. We have not attempted to restore the accelerator to its original form, but have added modern components where necessary. We discuss some of the more interesting features of the linac, and how we have given new life to this venerable machine here at Duke.