Sedimentation engineering design in river restoration: Task committee monograph DRAFT
An ASCE Task Committee formed under the Sedimentation Committee has evolved into a technical committee of the new Environmental & Water Resource Institute. The committee has sponsored many sessions on sedimentation engineering in river restoration at ASCE conferences since 1997. The initial purpose was to highlight the role of sedimentation engineering in restoration. The need for specific design guidance to address sediment transport processes soon became evident at these sessions. The committee thus decided to develop a monograph on use of sedimentation engineering methods in design of river restoration projects. Preliminary work from this effort was presented at the symposium on river restoration at ASCE's 1999 International Water Resource Engineering Conference in Seattle. At ASCE's 2000 Joint Conference on Water Resources Engineering, Planning and Management in Minneapolis, the panel discussion presents additional progress in several specific directions to develop the committee's monograph. Copyright ASCE 2004.