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Groundwater pollution remediation and control: the role of global optimizers and exploitation of available information

Publication ,  Journal Article
Cassiani, G; Liu, WH; Medina, MA; Jacobs, TL
January 1, 1995

This study proposes a multiobjective optimization model for identifying possible pump and considers strategies for groundwater pollution remediation and control. In the optimization model, the stochastic parameter estimates are used as inputs to identify the non-inferior set of possible pump and treat strategies based on cost and likelihood of exceeding the maximum allowable contamination concentration. The highly nonlinear nature of the optimization model ensures that the gradient-driven optimization achieves local optimality. This model can be solved using genetic algorithms.

Duke Scholars

Publication Date

January 1, 1995

Start / End Page

690 / 693

Publication Date

January 1, 1995

Start / End Page

690 / 693