Using fuzzy set theoretic techniques to identify preference rules from interactions in the linear model: an empirical study
This paper seeks to establish a parametric linkage between fuzzy set theoretic techniques and commonly used preference formation rules in psychology and marketing. Such a linkage helps to benefit both fields. We accomplish this objective by using a linear model with interaction term which nests many common preference protocols; conjunction (fuzzy and), disjunction (fuzzy or), counterbalance (fuzzy xor) and linear compensatory. The resulting linear model with interactions can be employed when one has no a priori hypothesis about the individual's preference formation rule involved to determine the most likely preference rule or to test more formally the adequacy of a given rule. One illustrative application studies two-attribute decisions in six product categories and demonstrates differences in preference formation processes by product category. A second application demonstrates how fuzzy logical operators can be applied to situations involving more than two attributes. © 1995.
Duke Scholars
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Related Subject Headings
- Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing
- 4904 Pure mathematics
- 4903 Numerical and computational mathematics
- 4602 Artificial intelligence
- 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
- 0101 Pure Mathematics
Published In
Publication Date
Start / End Page
Related Subject Headings
- Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing
- 4904 Pure mathematics
- 4903 Numerical and computational mathematics
- 4602 Artificial intelligence
- 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
- 0101 Pure Mathematics