Improving supply chain performance: Real-time demand information and flexible deliveries
In some supply chains, materials are ordered periodically according to local information. This paper investigates how to improve the performance of such a supply chain. Specifically, we consider a serial inventory system in which each stage implements a local reorder interval policy; i.e., each stage orders up to a local basestock level according to a fixed-interval schedule. A fixed cost is incurred for placing an order. Two improvement strategies are considered: (1) expanding the information flow by acquiring real-time demand information and (2) accelerating the material flow via flexible deliveries. The first strategy leads to a reorder interval policy with full information; the second strategy leads to a reorder point policy with local information. Both policies have been studied in the literature. Thus, to assess the benefit of these strategies, we analyze the local reorder interval policy. We develop a bottom-up recursion to evaluate the system cost and provide a method to obtain the optimal policy. A numerical study shows the following: Increasing the flexibility of deliveries lowers costs more than does expanding information flow; the fixed order costs and the system lead times are key drivers that determine the effectiveness of these improvement strategies. In addition, we find that using optimal batch sizes in the reorder point policy and demand rate to infer reorder intervals may lead to significant cost inefficiency. © 2010 INFORMS.
Duke Scholars
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Related Subject Headings
- Operations Research
- 4901 Applied mathematics
- 3509 Transportation, logistics and supply chains
- 1505 Marketing
- 1503 Business and Management
- 0102 Applied Mathematics
Published In
Publication Date
Start / End Page
Related Subject Headings
- Operations Research
- 4901 Applied mathematics
- 3509 Transportation, logistics and supply chains
- 1505 Marketing
- 1503 Business and Management
- 0102 Applied Mathematics