Buffer sizing for ABR traffic in an ATM switch
The B-ISDN will carry a variety of traffic types: the Variable Bit Rate traffic (VBR), of which compressed video is an example, Continuous Bit Rate traffic (CBR), of which telemetry is an example, Data traffic, and Available Bit Rate traffic (ABR) that represents aggregate data traffic with very limited guarantees on quality. We consider the VBR, Data and ABR traffic types and obtain the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the queueing delay experienced by a burst of ABR traffic in the output buffer of an ATM switch. The size of the ABR buffer is an important design parameter and we use the cdf to predict this value. We develop a stochastic Petri net model assuming periodic burst arrivals for VBR and Markovian arrival processes for Data and ABR, and using a decomposition approach, solve the model numerically.