Demo Abstract: Through an AR Lens: Augmented Reality Magnification through Feature Detection and Matching
Sensing and Augmented Reality (AR) can benefit a wide range of applications that involve the use of magnifying lenses. Recent developments in AR magnification provide a direct overlay of the magnified scenes in AR. However, instrumentation tasks that require high precision and visual acuity need to selectively magnify a region of interest while maintaining the visual perception of the rest of the environment. In this demo, we present AR-Magnifier, an AR magnification system through feature detection and matching. We propose a general framework based on an edge-computing architecture that can be applied to various types of instrumentation tasks. A pipeline is developed for detecting feature points and computing the homography matching to identify the magnified region of an object. We showcase how selective magnification in AR through sensing can assist the user in complex instrumentation tasks by providing visualization-based guidance.