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Brian C. Mac Grory

Associate Professor of Neurology
Neurology, Stroke and Vascular Neurology
40 Duke Medicine Circle, Durham, NC 27708
Office hours 9AM-6PM Monday-Friday  

Teaching Activities

Fellows: I serve as Associate Program Director for the Vascular Neurology Fellowship. My teaching of fellows includes the following:

1) Direct experiential training on care of inpatients on the stroke service;

2) Staffing cases directly on daytime and overnight call;

3) Staffing of the fellows continuity clinic while on the inpatient stroke service;

4) Organizing the “Invited Speaker Series” for the vascular neurology fellowship – a monthly session where an external content expert delivers an advanced lecture on an area of their interest;

5) Organizing a monthly “Vascular Neurology Case Conference” wherein fellows discuss difficult/interesting patient cases with the rest of the vascular neurology division;

6) Coordinating “Stroke Journal Club” wherein fellows present a topical article and critique it from both a positive and negative perspective and;

7) A monthly “Guideline Review” wherein on a Tuesday afternoon the Fellowship Director and I spend an hour with both fellows reviewing a relevant guideline (in ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke or other area) and discussing the most salient or controversial points.

Residents: I teach residents on the inpatient services (both stroke and general neurology). This takes the form of didactics during rounds and in the afternoons after rounds are completed. Additionally, residents from PGY-2 to PGY-4 frequently call to staff emergency department or inpatient consults, which is another opportunity to provide targeted teaching and feedback. In addition to this relatively informal teaching, I make the following contributions to resident education:

1) Supervise morning report the first Tuesday of every month;

2) Organize the residency vascular neurology “boot camp” in July/August;

3) Precept resident journal club (approximately 6 hours/year) and;

4) Deliver ad hoc lectures to the residents (approximately 6 hours/per year. Within the past 12 months, the topics of these lectures have included A) CRAO, B) non-atherosclerotic vasculopathies and C) stroke in pregnancy and the puerperium.

Continuing Medical Education (CME): 
I directed the Duke Stroke CME Event in May 2021, timed to coincide with “Stroke Month”. This event had greater than 300 attendees and involved 2.5 hours of lectures covering CRAO, updates in stroke secondary prevention, advanced aspects of mechanical thrombectomy and intravenous thrombolysis. I have also delivered CME material to emergency physicians, ophthalmology trainees, registered nurses and advanced practitioners at Duke University Medical Center and at regional CME events in North Carolina.

Medical Students: While on inpatient clinical service, I teach medical students both during rounds as well as on an ad hoc basis in the afternoons after rounds. As well as teaching the rudiments of neurology/vascular neurology, I have a particular interest in teaching presentation style on ward rounds applicable to both neurology and internal medicine. I give each student a guide called “Presenting Patients on Ward Rounds in Neurology/Internal Medicine” and given them small group feedback on presentations after rounds. During my first faculty appointment, I won two teaching awards presented by medical students (“Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award”) and was named a “Positive Champion of the Learning Environment”.