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Floyd A Beckford

Professor of Chemistry at Duke Kunshan University
DKU Faculty

Research Interests

A. Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry
Metal compounds play a very real and important role in modern medicine. These compounds serve as active drugs (such as cisplatin for cancer treatments) and as diagnostic agents for diseases (contrast agents for MRI). Despite their successes, metal compounds are being continually developed as a way of improving on the current drugs or acting as novel treatments for diseases. The research in my laboratory is focused on the chemistry and biology of metal-containing compounds.

Biological activity of ruthenium and rhenium compounds. (Synthesis, characterization, and biological activity [anticancer and antimicrobial] of varied compounds. Ruthenium complexes are being investigated for their anticancer potential while the rhenium complexes have the added focus of being potentially good cellular imaging agent. In this area we use organic chemistry to design ligands based on diimine or a thiosemicarbazide motif.)

Zinc anti-diabetic complexes
. (Investigating zinc coordination complexes for their insulin-mimetic potential or to act as anti-diabetic agents.)

Plant-derived metal nanoparticles and their biological activity.

There are other medicinally important metals that could act as scaffolds for building biologically-active inorganic compounds. I also study manganese, copper and gallium complexes.

B. Environmental Chemistry.

There are two major areas of interest

Microplastics in soil and environmental waters. (Investigating the isolation and identification of microplastics in various environmental spheres).

Contaminants of Emerging Concern - particularly the presence of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs).