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Nicole DePasquale

Assistant Professor in Medicine
Medicine, General Internal Medicine

Awards & Honors

Doctoral Dissertation Award in the Psychology of Aging

National Division 20: Adult Development & Aging, American Psychological Association · 2017

Butler-Williams Scholars Program Participant

National National Institute on Aging · 2017

Alumni Association Dissertation Award Nominee

Department Department of Human Development and Family Studies, The Pennsylvania State University · 2016

College of Health and Human Development Professional Development Endowment

Department Department of Human Development and Family Studies, The Pennsylvania State University · 2016

Research Travel Award at the Graduate Level

National Division 20: Adult Development & Aging, American Psychological Association · 2015

Grace M. Henderson Graduate Scholarship

Department Department of Human Development and Family Studies, The Pennsylvania State University · 2015

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (F31 AG050385)

National National Institute on Aging · 2015

Salutatorian of Class of 2010

University Dougless College, Rutgers University · 2010

Agnes McDede Fellowship

University Dougless College, Rutgers University · 2009

Project L/EARN Program Participant

International Rutgers University · 2009

Janet M. Duncan Scholars Award

University Dougless College, Rutgers University · 2009

Jesse Munger Scholarship

University Dougless College, Rutgers University · 2009

School of Arts and Sciences Excellence Award: Class of 1924 Scholarship

University Rutgers University · 2009

Merit Scholarship

University Dougless College, Rutgers University · 2009

Steven & Cynthia Magidson Scholarship

University School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University · 2009

School of Arts and Sciences Excellence Award: Class of 1969 Scholarship

University Rutgers University · 2008

Rutgers 2008 Academic Excellence Award

University Rutgers University · 2008