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Pixu Shi

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Division of Integrative Genomics

Selected Publications

Guaranteed Functional Tensor Singular Value Decomposition.

Journal Article J Am Stat Assoc · 2024 This paper introduces the functional tensor singular value decomposition (FTSVD), a novel dimension reduction framework for tensors with one functional mode and several tabular modes. The problem is motivated by high-order longitudinal data analysis. Our m ... Full text Link to item Cite

NIH SenNet Consortium to map senescent cells throughout the human lifespan to understand physiological health.

Journal Article Nat Aging · December 2022 Cells respond to many stressors by senescing, acquiring stable growth arrest, morphologic and metabolic changes, and a proinflammatory senescence-associated secretory phenotype. The heterogeneity of senescent cells (SnCs) and senescence-associated secretor ... Full text Link to item Cite

High-dimensional log-error-in-variable regression with applications to microbial compositional data analysis

Journal Article Biometrika · June 1, 2022 In microbiome and genomic studies, the regression of compositional data has been a crucial tool for identifying microbial taxa or genes that are associated with clinical phenotypes. To account for the variation in sequencing depth, the classic log-contrast ... Full text Cite

Generalized Linear Models With Linear Constraints for Microbiome Compositional Data

Journal Article Biometrics · March 1, 2019 SummaryMotivated by regression analysis for microbiome compositional data, this article considers generalized linear regression analysis with compositional covariates, where a group of linear constraints on ... Full text Cite

A Model for Paired-Multinomial Data and Its Application to Analysis of Data on a Taxonomic Tree

Journal Article Biometrics · December 1, 2017 SummaryIn human microbiome studies, sequencing reads data are often summarized as counts of bacterial taxa at various taxonomic levels specified by a taxonomic tree. This article considers the problem of analyzing two repea ... Full text Cite

Regression analysis for microbiome compositional data

Journal Article The Annals of Applied Statistics · June 1, 2016 Full text Cite