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Aaron Claude Lentz

Professor of Urology
3480 Wake Forest Rd, Suite 506, Raleigh, NC 27609
3480 Wake Forest Rd, Suite 506, Raleigh, NC 27609

Service to the Profession

NC Representative to the Southeastern Section of the AUA · 2014 Committee Service

I currently serve as a NC representative to the Southeastern Section of the American Urologic Association, the largest section of the AUA. Duties involve attendance and participation in the annual board meeting with a focus on resource allocation, residency education, and quality improvement for both community and academic Urologists.

Service to Duke

Medical Executive Committee (Clinical Organization) · July 2016 Committee Service Duke Raleigh Hospital,
Medical Director, Duke Urology Men's Health Center · July 2016 Event/Organization Administration

I am excited to have partnered with Duke Raleigh Hospital administration to establish an integrated Duke Urology Men’s Health Center. This comprehensive program will coordinate care between specialties with focus on improving healthcare, screening, and health choices for men. The Men’s Health Center is designed to attract men who currently do not seek care to initiate evidence-based preventive health care, and improve health outcomes for those seeking care. In addition, the center will increase awareness of men’s health issues as well as educate patients, communities, and medical providers to pressing issues surrounding men’s health. By providing comprehensive health care within the same system, patient outcomes can be monitored and analyzed. This will promote the highest standards of patient care, research, and education in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of men’s health issues.

Division of Urology, Vice Chief of Development and Strategic Planning for Wake County · October 2015 Event/Organization Administration

Within the Division of Urology, I was selected as Vice Chief of Development and Strategic Planning for Wake County to lead the effort to expand the clinical mission of Duke Urology within Raleigh and Wake County.

Medical Director, Duke Urology of Raleigh · June 2014 Event/Organization Administration

I became the Medical Director of the Duke Urology of Raleigh practice in June 2014, at a time when the Raleigh practice was struggling fiscally. I have successfully led Duke Raleigh Urology with vision and insight into the complex Wake County market.

As medical director, I oversee daily operations and promote the growth of Duke Urology in Wake County and eastern NC. My duties include; coordination of clinic and OR schedules, developing an overall practice strategy for practice development and referral outreach, improving patient access, maximizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness, supervising resident, fellow, and physician extender resources, and promoting educational opportunities for the practice.

Site Coordinator, Duke Raleigh Urology Rotation · July 2012 Event/Organization Administration

During the 2011 academic year, I was instrumental in developing the residency rotation curriculum, as well as the goals and objectives for the Duke Urology of Raleigh Rotation. This is an important clinical and operative experience for the residents with emphasis on community-based and subspecialty clinical and surgical care. Additionally, residents are furnished the critical responsibility of covering primary home-call with faculty support, in order to provide a setting in which to enhance clinical decision-making and procedural skills. This rotation has carefully been designed to be compliant with the ACGME competency-based educational model, which includes, but is not limited to: supervised graded responsibility, performance evaluation, achievement of competence in patient care, development of a strong foundation of medical knowledge, practice-based learning, development of communication and interpersonal skills, and an appreciation of systems-based healthcare.

During my tenure as site coordinator, the rotation has successfully expanded from one junior-level resident to two residents (PGY-2 and PGY-5). I am responsible for implementing and integrating the goals of the Duke Urology Residency Program at the Duke Raleigh Hospital site. Accordingly, my supervisory role includes planning and coordinating the educational curriculum with emphasis on evidence-based medicine, familiarity with current urologic scientific literature, healthcare resource consumption and management. This is accomplished in conjunction with continuous dialogue and practice of medical ethics, professionalism, and interpersonal skills.