Research in the Alberts Lab investigates the evolution of social behavior, particularly in mammals, with a specific focus on the social behavior, demography, life history, and behavioral endocrinology of wild primates. Our main study system is the baboon population in Amboseli, Kenya, one of the longest-running studies of wild primates in the world, ongoing since 1971.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Robert F. Durden Distinguished Professor of Biology
2015 - Present
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor of Biology
2009 - Present
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Dean of Natural Sciences
2023 - Present
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology
2009 - Present
Evolutionary Anthropology,
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor in the Division of Marine Science and Conservation
2020 - Present
Marine Science and Conservation,
Nicholas School of the Environment
Faculty Network Member of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
2009 - Present
Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
University Institutes and Centers
Faculty Research Scholar of DuPRI's Population Research Center
2010 - Present
Duke Population Research Center,
Duke Population Research Institute
Faculty Research Scholar of DuPRI's Center for Population Health & Aging
2011 - Present
Center for Population Health & Aging,
Duke Population Research Institute
Associate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society
2017 - Present
Duke Science & Society,
Bass Fellow
2012 - Present
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Education, Training & Certifications
The University of Chicago ·
University of California, Los Angeles ·
Reed College ·