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Genetic and Genomics Training Grant

Inst. Training Prgm or CME Grant
Duke Scholars
Christopher Vincent Nicchitta
Mentor Christopher Vincent Nicchitta Cell Biology
Thomas Douglas Petes
Mentor Thomas Douglas Petes Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Allison Elizabeth Ashley-Koch
Principal Investigator Allison Elizabeth Ashley-Koch Medicine, Nephrology
Douglas Alan Marchuk
Mentor Douglas Alan Marchuk Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
David MacAlpine
Mentor David MacAlpine Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Lawrence Anthony David
Mentor Lawrence Anthony David Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Paul Mitaari Magwene
Mentor Paul Mitaari Magwene Biology
Xinnian Dong
Mentor Xinnian Dong Biology
David R. Sherwood
Mentor David R. Sherwood Biology
John Robert Perfect
Mentor John Robert Perfect Medicine, Infectious Diseases
Scott Haydn Soderling
Mentor Scott Haydn Soderling Cell Biology
Timothy E Reddy
Mentor Timothy E Reddy Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Division of Integrative Geno ...
L. Ryan Baugh
Mentor L. Ryan Baugh Biology
Simon Gray Gregory
Mentor Simon Gray Gregory Neurosurgery, Neuro-Oncology
Lucia Carol Strader
Mentor Lucia Carol Strader Biology
Amy K. Schmid
Mentor Amy K. Schmid Biology
Micah Alan Luftig
Mentor Micah Alan Luftig Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Raluca Mihaela Gordan
Mentor Raluca Mihaela Gordan Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Division of Integrative Geno ...
Andrew Bradley West
Mentor Andrew Bradley West Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Sarah Catherine Goetz
Mentor Sarah Catherine Goetz Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Matthew James Hilton
Mentor Matthew James Hilton Orthopaedic Surgery
Jennifer Jo Wernegreen
Mentor Jennifer Jo Wernegreen Environmental Sciences and Policy
Kenneth Daniel Poss
Mentor Kenneth Daniel Poss Cell Biology
David M. Tobin
Mentor David M. Tobin Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Jack Donald Keene
Mentor Jack Donald Keene Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Qianben Wang
Mentor Qianben Wang Pathology
Tai-ping Sun
Mentor Tai-ping Sun Biology
Christopher M. Counter
Mentor Christopher M. Counter Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Karl-Dimiter Bissig
Mentor Karl-Dimiter Bissig Pediatrics, Medical Genetics
Amy Goldberg
Mentor Amy Goldberg Evolutionary Anthropology