The Counter lab studies the molecular mechanisms that underly to the onset of human cancers, with the goal to prevent cancer initiation or progression. The lab uses ultra-senstitive sequencing platforms and proteomic-coupled CRISPR/Cas9 screens to elucidate the factors that mold the mutational patterns selected to initiate the process of tumorigenesis. See https://counter.labs.duke.edu/ for further details.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology
2021 - Present
Pharmacology & Cancer Biology,
Basic Science Departments
Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
2011 - Present
Pharmacology & Cancer Biology,
Basic Science Departments
Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology
2020 - Present
Radiation Oncology,
Clinical Science Departments
Professor of Cell Biology
2022 - Present
Cell Biology,
Basic Science Departments
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
2002 - Present
Duke Cancer Institute,
Institutes and Centers
Education, Training & Certifications
McMaster University (Canada) ·
McMaster University (Canada) ·