My primary research interest is understanding how the genome is regulated. The human genome contains approximately 25,000 genes, which are encoded in ~2% of the genome. The overarching goal of my research program is to identify and characterize how these genes are turned on and off in different cell types, tissues, development states, environmental responses, diseases, and individuals. By understanding where all gene regulatory elements are located, how they work to regulate gene expression, and how non-coding variants within these regions affect function, my research program can address a number of important basic and clinical questions.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Professor in Pediatrics
2020 - Present
Pediatrics, Medical Genetics,
Associate Professor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
2015 - Present
Molecular Genetics and Microbiology,
Basic Science Departments
Affiliate of the Duke Regeneration Center
2021 - Present
Duke Regeneration Center,
Basic Science Departments
Education, Training & Certifications
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor ·