Caspi’s research is concerned with three questions: (1) How do childhood experiences shape aging and the course of health inequalities across the life span? (2) How do genetic differences between people shape the way they respond to their environments? (3) How do mental health problems unfold across and shape the life course?
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Edward M. Arnett Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
2008 - Present
Psychology & Neuroscience,
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
2007 - Present
Psychology & Neuroscience,
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2012 - Present
Psychiatry, Child & Family Mental Health & Community Psychiatry,
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Faculty Research Scholar of DuPRI's Population Research Center
2010 - Present
Duke Population Research Center,
Duke Population Research Institute
Faculty Research Scholar of DuPRI's Center for Population Health & Aging
2011 - Present
Center for Population Health & Aging,
Duke Population Research Institute
Affiliate of the Center for Child and Family Policy
2015 - Present
Center for Child and Family Policy,
Sanford School of Public Policy
Education, Training & Certifications
Cornell University ·
Cornell University ·
University of California, Santa Cruz ·