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Bahar Leventoglu

Associate Professor of Political Science
Political Science
Box 90204, Durham, NC 27708-0204
140 Science Drive, 208 Gross Hall, Durham, NC 27708


Bahar Leventoglu is a formal theorist with substantive interests in international relations and political economy. Currently, she has four different ongoing lines of research. One line of research focuses on how leaders use public statements to affect their bargaining position in international negotiations. A second line of research deals with rational explanations of war. A third line of research concerns habit formation in bargaining situations as well as use of strategic tools, e.g. sanctions, in bargaining. A fourth line of research concerns regime transitions: One project focuses on the effect of social mobility on regime transitions, where as another one examines how coalition formation among groups that are ethnically as well as economically divided have an impact on democratization.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Associate Professor of Political Science · 2013 - Present Political Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Associate Professor of Economics · 2013 - Present Economics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Education, Training & Certifications

University of Rochester · 2001 Ph.D.
University of Rochester · 1999 M.A.
Bilkent University (Turkey) · 1994 B.S.