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Berk Aykut

House Staff

Selected Publications

Semilunar valve growth and function 10 years after infant heart transplantation: Predicting long-term outcomes of partial heart transplants.

Journal Article Pediatr Transplant · May 2024 INTRODUCTION: Partial heart transplants are a new type of pediatric transplant that replace defective heart valves with the parts of matched donor hearts containing the necessary valves. Short-term outcomes of partial heart transplants are excellent, but l ... Full text Link to item Cite

Comparing Survival After Resection, Ablation, and Radiation in Small Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma.

Journal Article Ann Surg Oncol · October 2023 BACKGROUND: Hepatectomy is the cornerstone of curative-intent treatment for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC). However, in patients unable to be resected, data comparing efficacy of alternatives including thermal ablation and radiation therapy (RT) rem ... Full text Open Access Link to item Cite

Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases: Multimodal Therapy.

Journal Article Surg Oncol Clin N Am · January 2023 Despite a steady decline in incidence and mortality rates, colorectal cancer (CRC) remains the second most common cancer diagnosis in women and the third most common in men worldwide. Notably, the liver is recognized as the most common site of CRC metastas ... Full text Open Access Link to item Cite

BTLA+CD200+ B cells dictate the divergent immune landscape and immunotherapeutic resistance in metastatic vs. primary pancreatic cancer.

Journal Article Oncogene · September 2022 Response to cancer immunotherapy in primary versus metastatic disease has not been well-studied. We found primary pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is responsive to diverse immunotherapies whereas liver metastases are resistant. We discovered divergen ... Full text Open Access Cite

Intrahepatic microbes govern liver immunity by programming NKT cells

Journal Article Journal of Clinical Investigation · April 15, 2022 Full text Open Access Cite

Targeting Piezo1 unleashes innate immunity against cancer and infectious disease.

Journal Article Science immunology · August 2020 Piezo1 is a mechanosensitive ion channel that has gained recognition for its role in regulating diverse physiological processes. However, the influence of Piezo1 in inflammatory disease, including infection and tumor immunity, is not well studied. We postu ... Full text Open Access Cite

Regulatory T Cells Keep Pancreatic Cancer at Bay

Journal Article Cancer Discovery · March 1, 2020 AbstractSummary:Although CD4+ FOXP3+ T regulatory (Treg) cells are well-known mediators of immunologic tolerance, their influences in the tumor microenviroment are incompletely understood. ... Full text Open Access Cite

γδ T Cells Promote Steatohepatitis by Orchestrating Innate and Adaptive Immune Programming

Journal Article Hepatology · February 2020 Background and AimsThe recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells in the liver delineates the transition from hepatic steatosis to steatohepatitis (SH). Full text Open Access Cite

Innate αβ T Cells Mediate Antitumor Immunity by Orchestrating Immunogenic Macrophage Programming

Journal Article Cancer Discovery · September 1, 2019 AbstractUnconventional T-lymphocyte populations are emerging as important regulators of tumor immunity. Despite this, the role of TCRαβ+CD4−CD8−N ... Full text Open Access Cite

Specialized dendritic cells induce tumor-promoting IL-10+IL-17+ FoxP3neg regulatory CD4+ T cells in pancreatic carcinoma

Journal Article Nature Communications · March 29, 2019 AbstractThe drivers and the specification of CD4+ T cell differentiation in the tumor microenvironment and their contributions to tumor immunity or tolerance are incompletely understood. Using models of ... Full text Open Access Cite

Macrophages in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: Friend or Foe?

Journal Article EMJ Hepatology · May 31, 2018 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a subtype of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease that is characterised by steatosis, chronic inflammation, and hepatocellular injury with or without fibrosis. The role and activation of macrophages in the pathoge ... Full text Open Access Cite

The Pancreatic Cancer Microbiome Promotes Oncogenesis by Induction of Innate and Adaptive Immune Suppression

Journal Article Cancer Discovery · April 1, 2018 AbstractWe found that the cancerous pancreas harbors a markedly more abundant microbiome compared with normal pancreas in both mice and humans, and select bacteria are differentially increased in the tumorou ... Full text Open Access Cite

NLRP3 signaling drives macrophage-induced adaptive immune suppression in pancreatic carcinoma.

Journal Article The Journal of experimental medicine · June 2017 The tumor microenvironment (TME) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is characterized by immune tolerance, which enables disease to progress unabated by adaptive immunity. However, the drivers of this tolerogenic program are incompletely defined. In ... Full text Open Access Cite

Dectin 1 activation on macrophages by galectin 9 promotes pancreatic carcinoma and peritumoral immune tolerance.

Journal Article Nature medicine · May 2017 The progression of pancreatic oncogenesis requires immune-suppressive inflammation in cooperation with oncogenic mutations. However, the drivers of intratumoral immune tolerance are uncertain. Dectin 1 is an innate immune receptor crucial for anti-fungal i ... Full text Open Access Cite

Semilunar valve growth and function 10 years after infant heart transplantation: Predicting long-term outcomes of partial heart transplants.

Journal Article Pediatr Transplant · May 2024 INTRODUCTION: Partial heart transplants are a new type of pediatric transplant that replace defective heart valves with the parts of matched donor hearts containing the necessary valves. Short-term outcomes of partial heart transplants are excellent, but l ... Full text Link to item Cite

Comparing Survival After Resection, Ablation, and Radiation in Small Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma.

Journal Article Ann Surg Oncol · October 2023 BACKGROUND: Hepatectomy is the cornerstone of curative-intent treatment for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC). However, in patients unable to be resected, data comparing efficacy of alternatives including thermal ablation and radiation therapy (RT) rem ... Full text Open Access Link to item Cite

Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases: Multimodal Therapy.

Journal Article Surg Oncol Clin N Am · January 2023 Despite a steady decline in incidence and mortality rates, colorectal cancer (CRC) remains the second most common cancer diagnosis in women and the third most common in men worldwide. Notably, the liver is recognized as the most common site of CRC metastas ... Full text Open Access Link to item Cite

BTLA+CD200+ B cells dictate the divergent immune landscape and immunotherapeutic resistance in metastatic vs. primary pancreatic cancer.

Journal Article Oncogene · September 2022 Response to cancer immunotherapy in primary versus metastatic disease has not been well-studied. We found primary pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is responsive to diverse immunotherapies whereas liver metastases are resistant. We discovered divergen ... Full text Open Access Cite

Intrahepatic microbes govern liver immunity by programming NKT cells

Journal Article Journal of Clinical Investigation · April 15, 2022 Full text Open Access Cite

Targeting Piezo1 unleashes innate immunity against cancer and infectious disease.

Journal Article Science immunology · August 2020 Piezo1 is a mechanosensitive ion channel that has gained recognition for its role in regulating diverse physiological processes. However, the influence of Piezo1 in inflammatory disease, including infection and tumor immunity, is not well studied. We postu ... Full text Open Access Cite

Regulatory T Cells Keep Pancreatic Cancer at Bay

Journal Article Cancer Discovery · March 1, 2020 AbstractSummary:Although CD4+ FOXP3+ T regulatory (Treg) cells are well-known mediators of immunologic tolerance, their influences in the tumor microenviroment are incompletely understood. ... Full text Open Access Cite

γδ T Cells Promote Steatohepatitis by Orchestrating Innate and Adaptive Immune Programming

Journal Article Hepatology · February 2020 Background and AimsThe recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells in the liver delineates the transition from hepatic steatosis to steatohepatitis (SH). Full text Open Access Cite

Innate αβ T Cells Mediate Antitumor Immunity by Orchestrating Immunogenic Macrophage Programming

Journal Article Cancer Discovery · September 1, 2019 AbstractUnconventional T-lymphocyte populations are emerging as important regulators of tumor immunity. Despite this, the role of TCRαβ+CD4−CD8−N ... Full text Open Access Cite

Specialized dendritic cells induce tumor-promoting IL-10+IL-17+ FoxP3neg regulatory CD4+ T cells in pancreatic carcinoma

Journal Article Nature Communications · March 29, 2019 AbstractThe drivers and the specification of CD4+ T cell differentiation in the tumor microenvironment and their contributions to tumor immunity or tolerance are incompletely understood. Using models of ... Full text Open Access Cite

Macrophages in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: Friend or Foe?

Journal Article EMJ Hepatology · May 31, 2018 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a subtype of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease that is characterised by steatosis, chronic inflammation, and hepatocellular injury with or without fibrosis. The role and activation of macrophages in the pathoge ... Full text Open Access Cite

The Pancreatic Cancer Microbiome Promotes Oncogenesis by Induction of Innate and Adaptive Immune Suppression

Journal Article Cancer Discovery · April 1, 2018 AbstractWe found that the cancerous pancreas harbors a markedly more abundant microbiome compared with normal pancreas in both mice and humans, and select bacteria are differentially increased in the tumorou ... Full text Open Access Cite

NLRP3 signaling drives macrophage-induced adaptive immune suppression in pancreatic carcinoma.

Journal Article The Journal of experimental medicine · June 2017 The tumor microenvironment (TME) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is characterized by immune tolerance, which enables disease to progress unabated by adaptive immunity. However, the drivers of this tolerogenic program are incompletely defined. In ... Full text Open Access Cite

Dectin 1 activation on macrophages by galectin 9 promotes pancreatic carcinoma and peritumoral immune tolerance.

Journal Article Nature medicine · May 2017 The progression of pancreatic oncogenesis requires immune-suppressive inflammation in cooperation with oncogenic mutations. However, the drivers of intratumoral immune tolerance are uncertain. Dectin 1 is an innate immune receptor crucial for anti-fungal i ... Full text Open Access Cite