I am interested in:
1. the execution and continual refinement of my teaching methods, in terms of both the
mathematical choices and the style of presentation;
2. the continual evaluation of course content and materials with an eye for the intellectual
objectives of the Department of Mathematics, the ever-changing demands to be faced by
the students after completion of the course, and the overall satisfaction of the students;
3. the execution and continual refinement of the administration of the undergraduate pro-
gram of the Department of Mathematics, appropriate to my position as the Supervisor
of First-Year Instruction.
1. the execution and continual refinement of my teaching methods, in terms of both the
mathematical choices and the style of presentation;
2. the continual evaluation of course content and materials with an eye for the intellectual
objectives of the Department of Mathematics, the ever-changing demands to be faced by
the students after completion of the course, and the overall satisfaction of the students;
3. the execution and continual refinement of the administration of the undergraduate pro-
gram of the Department of Mathematics, appropriate to my position as the Supervisor
of First-Year Instruction.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Associate Professor of the Practice of Mathematics
2012 - Present
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Supervisor of First-Year Instruction (SFI) of Mathematics
2011 - Present
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Education, Training & Certifications
Stanford University ·
Rice University ·
External Links
01- Multivariable Calculus textbook (for links to the book, video lectures, and video exercises) 02 - YouTube Channel (for course lecture recordings, other videos) 03- Placement Page (for information relating to your first math course selection) 04- Enrollment Policies Page (for information about wait lists, permission numbers,...)