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Clark Bray

Associate Professor of the Practice of Mathematics
Box 90320, Durham, NC 27708-0320
123 Physics Bldg, Durham, NC 27708
Office hours Students can find my course office hours on my class Sakai sites.  

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Associate Professor of the Practice of Mathematics · 2012 - Present Mathematics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Supervisor of First-Year Instruction (SFI) of Mathematics · 2011 - Present Mathematics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Previous Appointments & Affiliations

Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies of the Department of Mathematics · 2005 - 2013 Mathematics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Assistant Professor of the Practice of Mathematics · 2008 - 2012 Mathematics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Lecturer in Mathematics · 2006 - 2008 Mathematics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences