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Steven A. Cummer

William H. Younger Distinguished Professor of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Box 90291, Durham, NC 27708-0291
3455 Ciemas, Durham, NC 27708


Dr. Steven Cummer received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1997 and prior to joining Duke University in 1999 he spent two years at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center as an NRC postdoctoral research associate. Awards he has received include a National Science Foundation CAREER award and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) in 2001. His current work is in a variety of theoretical and experimental electromagnetic problems related to geophysical remote sensing and engineered electromagnetic materials.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

William H. Younger Distinguished Professor of Engineering · 2019 - Present Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · 2012 - Present Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering
Associate Chair of Faculty Affairs in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · 2024 - Present Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering

Education, Training & Certifications

Stanford University · 1997 Ph.D.
Stanford University · 1993 M.S.E.E.
Stanford University · 1991 B.S.E.E.