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Daniel Oliver Schmitt

Professor in the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Evolutionary Anthropology
Duke Box 90383, Durham, NC 27708
203 Biological Sciences Buildi, 130 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708


My primary interest is in the evolution of primate locomotion. I am studying the mechanics of movement in primates and other vertebrates in the laboratory to understand the relationship between movement and postcranial morphology, and the unique nature of primates among mammals. Current projects include the origins of primate locomotion and the evolution of vertebrate bipedalism.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor in the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology · 2011 - Present Evolutionary Anthropology, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Associate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society · 2017 - Present Duke Science & Society, University Initiatives & Academic Support Units

Education, Training & Certifications

Stony Brook University · 1995 Ph.D.