In particular, my current research focuses on compliance and persistence with osteoporosis medications. One current study focuses on the impact of race/ethnicity on medication decision making. We are trying to determine the relative weight of cost, convenience, dosing interval, efficacy, and safety in making medication decisions and taking medication on a regular basis as prescribed by a health care provider. I am also on the Steering Committees of two major observational studies with different osteoporosis medications.
Finally, I have worked with voluntary health organizations to translate our research findings into positive real-world outcomes for people with chronic illness. I serve on the Board of Trustees of the National Osteoporosis Foundation and am Chair of its Education Committee. I have also chaired the International Symposium on Osteoporosis (ISO) for the last 8 years.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Professor Emeritus in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2020 - Present
Psychiatry, Child & Family Mental Health & Community Psychiatry,
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Senior Fellow in the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development
1989 - Present
Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development,
Institutes and Centers
Education, Training & Certifications
Northwestern University ·