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Ezra Miller CV

Professor of Mathematics
Box 90320, Durham, NC 27708-0320
209 Physics Bldg, 120 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708


Professor Miller's research centers around problems in geometry,
algebra, topology, probability, statistics, and computation
originating in mathematics and the sciences, including biology,
chemistry, computer science, and imaging.

The techniques range, for example, from abstract algebraic geometry or
commutative algebra of ideals and varieties to concrete metric or
discrete geometry of polyhedral spaces; from deep topological
constructions such as equivariant K-theory and stratified Morse theory
to elementary simplicial and persistent homology; from functorial
perspectives on homological algebra in the derived category to
specific constructions of complexes based on combinatorics of cell
decompositions; from geodesic collapse applied to central limit
theorems for samples from stratified spaces to dynamics of explicit
polynomial vector fields on polyhedra.

Beyond motivations from within mathematics, the sources of these
problems lie in, for example, graphs and trees in evolutionary biology
and medical imaging; mass-action kinetics of chemical reactions;
computational geometry, symbolic computation, and combinatorial game
theory; Lie theory; and geometric statistics of data sampled from
highly non-Euclidean spaces. Examples of datasets under consideration
include MRI images of blood vessels in human brains and lungs, 3D
folded protein structures, and photographs of fruit fly wings for
developmental morphological studies.

Office Hours

Office hours: Tuesday, 14:40 – 16:00 in Physics 209 or outside
                        Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:10 in Physics 209 or outside

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor of Mathematics · 2009 - Present Mathematics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Education, Training & Certifications

University of California, Berkeley · 2000 Ph.D.
Brown University · 1995 B.S.