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Georg Vanberg

Ernestine Friedl Distinguished Professor of Political Science
Political Science
Box 90204, Durham, NC 27708
140 Science Drive, 219 Gross Hall, Box 90204, Durham, NC 27708

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Ernestine Friedl Distinguished Professor of Political Science · 2020 - Present Political Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor of Political Science · 2013 - Present Political Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Development in Trinity College of Arts & Sciences · 2022 - Present Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Affiliate of the Duke Center for International Development · 2023 - Present Duke Center for International Development, Sanford School of Public Policy

Previous Appointments & Affiliations

Chair of the Department of Political Science · 2016 - 2021 Political Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Interim Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Political Science · 2015 - 2015 Political Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences