Research Interests
As a scholar of Russian literature and as a clinician (grief counselor), I am always interested in how narrative and illness, mortality, grief work together.
I am currently working on a book project about how my clinical interests and my deep engagement with Russian literature intersect. Portions of this book are in press as articles.
I am also getting a certificate in Veterinary Social Work so that I can better explore the human animal relationship. This is central to work in Russian literature (it's a long story--but aren't most Russian novels?), and to my clinical work as well.
I am currently working on a book project about how my clinical interests and my deep engagement with Russian literature intersect. Portions of this book are in press as articles.
I am also getting a certificate in Veterinary Social Work so that I can better explore the human animal relationship. This is central to work in Russian literature (it's a long story--but aren't most Russian novels?), and to my clinical work as well.
Fellowships, Gifts, and Supported Research
Seed Grant: Narrative Medicine: Passages, Practices, and Pedagogies ·
PI ·
Awarded by: Duke Office for Faculty Advancement