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Laurence R. Helfer

Harry R. Chadwick, Sr. Distinguished Professor of Law
School of Law
Duke Law School Room 3184, Duke Box 90362, Durham, NC 27708-0360
Duke Law School 210 Science Dr, Duke Box 90362, Durham, NC 27708


Laurence R. Helfer is an expert in the areas of international law and institutions, international adjudication and dispute settlement, human rights (including LGBT rights), and international intellectual property law and policy. He is co-director of Duke Law's Center for International and Comparative Law and also serves as a Permanent Visiting Professor at the iCourts: Center of Excellence for International Courts at the University of Copenhagen, which awarded him an honorary doctorate in 2014.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Harry R. Chadwick, Sr. Distinguished Professor of Law · 2009 - Present School of Law
Professor of Law · 2009 - Present School of Law

Education, Training & Certifications

New York University · 1992 J.D.
Princeton University · 1992 M.P.A.
Yale University · 1987 B.A.