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John E. Thomas

Fritz London Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics
Box 90305, Durham, NC 27708-0305
185 Physics Bldg, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Presentations & Appearances

A Tale of Quantum Viscosity in Universal Fermi Gases · November 9, 2010 Lecture M. I. T.
Bowls made of Laser Light to Corral Ultracold Atoms · October 21, 2010 Lecture SESAPS Baton Rouge
Searching for Perfect Fluidity in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas · October 6, 2010 Lecture Baylor University
Bowls made of Laser Light to Corral Ultracold Atoms · October 5, 2010 Lecture Baylor University
Searching for Perfect Fluidity in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas · May 20, 2010 Lecture UCLA
A Tale of Quantum Viscosity in Universal Fermi Gases · November 9, 2010 Lecture M. I. T.
Bowls made of Laser Light to Corral Ultracold Atoms · October 21, 2010 Lecture SESAPS Baton Rouge
Searching for Perfect Fluidity in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas · October 6, 2010 Lecture Baylor University
Bowls made of Laser Light to Corral Ultracold Atoms · October 5, 2010 Lecture Baylor University
Searching for Perfect Fluidity in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas · May 20, 2010 Lecture UCLA
Searching for Perfect Fluidity in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas · October 5, 2009 Lecture Carnegie Mellon University
Searching for Perfect Fluidity in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas · September 14, 2009 Lecture UNC, Chapel Hill, NC
Quantum Viscosity in a strongly interacting Fermi gas · July 27, 2009 Lecture Ohio State University
Experiments with Interacting Fermi gases · May 19, 2009 Lecture DAMOP09 Charlottesville, VA
Is an ultra-cold strongly interacting Fermi gas a perfect fluid · April 3, 2009 Lecture Quark Matter 09 Knoxville, TN
Searching for Perfect Fluidity in an Atomic Fermi Gas · March 20, 2009 Lecture U. Conn., Storrs, Conn.
Search for perfect fluidity in an atomic Fermi gas · March 12, 2009 Lecture U. Chicago
Perfect fluidity in cold atomic gases · February 15, 2009 Lecture Chicago
Fermi Gases with Tunable Interactions · January 4, 2009 Lecture Snowbird, Utah
Interacting Fermi gases in optical traps · December 16, 2008 Lecture
Searching for perfect fluidity in a Fermi gas · November 17, 2008 Lecture NC State University, NC
Searching for perfect fluidity in a Fermi gas · November 11, 2008 Lecture Stonybrook University, NY
Resonantly interacting Fermi gases · October 20, 2008 Lecture Tsinghua Science Park, Beijing, China
Searching for perfect fluidity in an atomic Fermi gas · October 13, 2008 Lecture Fitzpatrick Institure for Photonics, Duke University
Measurement of entropy and quantum viscosity in a strongly interacting Fermi gas · September 24, 2008 Lecture Darmstadt, Germany
Searching for perfect fluidity in a strongly interacting Fermi gas · September 21, 2008 Lecture University of Tubingen, Germany
Fermi gases with tunable interactions · July 27, 2008 Lecture U. Conn., Storrs, Conn.
Is a strongly interacting Fermi gas a perfect fluid? · April 18, 2008 Lecture UNC Wilmington, NC
Corraling ultracold atomic gases in bowls made of laser light · April 17, 2008 Lecture UNC Wilmington, NC
Is a strongly interacting Fermi gas a perfect fluid? · April 4, 2008 Lecture Yale University, New Haven,Conn .

Outreach & Engaged Scholarship

Unknown - Extra-Departmental Service · December 10, 2010 Other
Unknown - Extra-Departmental Service · December 10, 2010 Other Other Service to the Community ; 1) This year I am a joint editor (with editors in several fields outside my own) for a special New Journal of Physics focus issue on "strongly correlated quantum fluids." This issue is based on the broad current interest in degenerate, strongly interacting Fermi gases, which my group first observed in 2002. The focus issue combines experimental and theoretical papers from fields including ultracold atoms, condensed matter, and quark-gluon-plasmas. 2) I organized and chaired a session called "Fifty years of problem solving with lasers," for the October meeting of the Southeastern section of the Americal Physical Society (SESAPS). I invited three speakers who presented general audience talks that ranged from precision characterization of optical pulses to biological imaging. I gave the concluding talk of the session, on "trapping ultracold atoms in bowls made of laser light." 3) I continue to serve my second consecutive 3-year term as a Divisional Associate Editor for Physical Review Letters. Normally, I handle around 2 papers per month in this capacity, but I have occasionally handled as many as 4. These papers take substantial time to review, as they involve disagreements and detailed correspondence between the authors and typically 3 or 4 referees. In this capacity, I often have to justify my choice to overrule several referees (positive or negative) or to support or rule against the authors. (I was also invited to be a member of the editorial board for Science Magazine, but I turned down this offer, as I am already sufficiently committed with the DAE for PRL.)

Service to the Profession

NSF · December 4, 2008 Editorial Activities
ICAP 2008 · July 27, 2008 Event/Organization Administration University of Connectticut