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John E. Thomas

Fritz London Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics
Box 90305, Durham, NC 27708-0305
185 Physics Bldg, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Grants

Nonequilibrum Fermi Gases

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Air Force Office of Scientific Research · 2010 - 2013

Simulating Strongly Correlated Electrons with a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Department of Energy · 2009 - 2012

Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases in Reduced Dimensions

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 2005 - 2011

Fermi Gases with Optically-Controlled Interactions

EquipmentPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 2010 - 2011

Trapped Fermi gases as models of strongly interacting matter

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2008 - 2011

Nonequilibrum Fermi Gases

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Air Force Office of Scientific Research · 2010 - 2013

Simulating Strongly Correlated Electrons with a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Department of Energy · 2009 - 2012

Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases in Reduced Dimensions

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 2005 - 2011

Fermi Gases with Optically-Controlled Interactions

EquipmentPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 2010 - 2011

Trapped Fermi gases as models of strongly interacting matter

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2008 - 2011

Strongly-Interacting Fermic Gases in Reduced Dimensions

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 2005 - 2008

Trapped Fermi Gases as Models of Strong Interacting Matter

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2005 - 2008

Quantum Dynamics of Optically-Trapped Fermi Gases

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Department of Energy · 2001 - 2007

Quantum Coherence in Ultracold Fermionic Vapors (Supplement)

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration · 2005 - 2007

Quantum Coherence in Ultracold Fermionic Vapors

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration · 2001 - 2006

All-Optical Production of Degnerate Fermi Gas Mixtures

EquipmentPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 2005 - 2006

Light and Matter Wave Scattering in an Optically Trapped Fermi Gas

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 2002 - 2006

All-Optical Production of Degenerate Fermi Gas Mixtures

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 2002 - 2005

Resonance Fermi-Superfluidity in a CO2 Laser Trap

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 2002 - 2005

Imaging and Interactions of Li Fermions in an Ultrasound CO2 Laser Trap

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1999 - 2002

Ultrastable CO2 Laser Trap for Lithium Fermions

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 1999 - 2002

Optical Characterization of an Ultracold Fermi Gas

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 2000 - 2002

Optical Phase Space Tomography

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 1997 - 2000

Optical Phase Space Tomography

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 1997 - 2000

Optical Phase Space Tomography

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 1997 - 2000

Atom Noise

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 1996 - 1999

Atom Imaging

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1996 - 1999

Atom Imaging

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1996 - 1998

Atomic Noise

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 1996 - 1998

Ultra-cold Atom Imaging

EquipmentPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1996 - 1997

Atom Imaging with Diode Lasers

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1996 - 1996

Atom Imaging

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1993 - 1996

Precision Position Measurement of Single Atoms

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1993 - 1996

Atomic Coherence

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 1992 - 1996

Continuous Sources of Atomic Coherence for Optical Processing

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Air Force Office of Scientific Research · 1993 - 1994

Continuous Spatial Photon Echoes for Non-Linear Optical Processing

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Air Force Office of Scientific Research · 1991 - 1993

Uncertainty Limited Atomic Position Measurement Using Optical Fields

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1990 - 1993

Uncertainty Limited Atomic Position Measurement Using Optical Fields

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1990 - 1993

Uncertainty Limited Atomic Position

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Army Research Office · 1990 - 1993

Collision Induced Processes in Macroscopic Optical Coherence

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 1990 - 1992

Continuous Spatial Photon Echoes for Non-Linear Optical Processing

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Air Force Office of Scientific Research · 1991 - 1992

Precision Atomic Position Measurement Using Optical Fields

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Department of Commerce · 1993 - 1992

Collision Induced Process in Macroscopic Optical Coherence

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 1990 - 1992

Precision Atomic Position Measurement Using Optical Fields

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Department of Commerce · 1990 - 1991

Nonlinear Optics in Dense Frequency Narrow Supersonic Beams

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Air Force Office of Scientific Research · 1988 - 1991

Quantum Superposition State Scattering

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Science Foundation · 1987 - 1990

Nonlinear Optics in Dense Frequency Narrow Supersonic Beams

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Air Force Office of Scientific Research · 1988 - 1990