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John Griffith Toffaletti

Professor in Pathology
Duke Box 3015, Durham, NC 27710
DUHS Central Automated Lab Rm, Durham, NC 27705


Research Abstract

Use of lactate measurements as indicator of inadequate oxygen utilization and/or mitochondrial dysfunction in critical care. Blood lactate measurements are correlated to clinical progress of patients with sepsis, during and after surgery, during ECMO, and for triage use in the Emergency Department.

Effects of changes in ionized calcium and magnesium on concentrations of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in blood. Normal blood donors are given an infusion of a physiologic solution after donating blood, which should alter free calcium and/or magnesium to help determine the relative effects of calcium and magnesium on PTH secretion.

The changes and variation over time of serum creatinine, cystatin C, eGFR, and GFR measurements in healthy persons and how this relates to diagnosing changes in renal function.

Effects of albumin and other colloids on hematocrit measured by impedance. Blood from patients on cardiopulmonary bypass often shows lower hematocrit results by impedance compared to centrifugation. We have examined the effects of albumin and Hespan (Hetastarch) on impedance-measured hematocrit on different analyzers.

The effects on pO2 of transport by pneumatic tube. Increases in pO2 have been noted if blood contains even tiny air bubbles in the syringe when sent by pneumatic transport.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor in Pathology · 2006 - Present Pathology, Clinical Science Departments

Education, Training & Certifications

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill · 1977 Ph.D.
University of Florida · 1972 B.S.