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Kai Huang

Professor of Physics at Duke Kunshan University
DKU Faculty


Dr. habil. Kai Huang received his BS in Electronic Engineering (2000) and his PhD in Physical Acoustics (2006) from Nanjing University. He did postdoctoral training (2006-2009) at Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-organization. Since 2009, he started to build a research group at University of Bayreuth in Bavaria and to teach physics courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. In 2014, he got his 'Habilitation' in physics, a scientific and pedagogic qualification for professors in Germany. From 2015 to 2019, he continued to work at University of Bayreuth as a ‘Privatdozent’. He is interested in understanding, predicting and eventually controlling the collective behavior of sand grains (i.e., granular materials) by means of lab experiments and computer simulations, in order to shed light on widespread applications such as space exploration, powder based additive manufacturing (3D printing), landslide and earthquake triggering, dune migration and transport. He is also interested in the acoustical design of opera theatres (e.g. the Bayreuth Festspielhaus of Richard Wagner), partly as a consequence of his lecture on acoustics.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor of Physics at Duke Kunshan University · 2024 - Present DKU Faculty
Dean of Research and Lab Infrastructure at Duke Kunshan University · 2024 - Present DKU Faculty
Professor of the Practice of DKU Studies at Duke University · 2024 - Present DKU Studies

Education, Training & Certifications

Nanjing University (China) · 2006 Ph.D.