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Kevin S. LaBar

Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Psychology & Neuroscience
Duke Box 90999, Durham, NC 27708-0999
B247 Levine Sci Res Ctr, Ctr Cognit Neurosci Box 90999, Durham, NC 27708-0999

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Neural decoding of emotional feeling states - Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting · 2016 Invited Talk University of Geneva, Champery, Switzerland
Emotion - Toward a Neuroscience of Change Processes in Psychotherapy: What Does Psychotherapy Do and How Does It Do It? · 2015 Invited Talk Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation, Durham, NC
Panel Discussant - To catch a killer: Investigating brain function · 2015 Other Duke University Winter Forum, Durham, NC
Multivariate pattern classification reveals biomarkers of distinct emotional states in the central and autonomic nervous systems - Workshop on Novel Approaches to Decode the Distributed Neural Representation of Emotions and Their Components · 2015 Invited Talk Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, HI
Pavlov Meets the 21st Century: Fear Conditioning in Virtual Worlds - Keynote Address · 2015 Invited Talk 7th European Meeting on Human Fear Conditioning, Bochum, Germany
Neural decoding of emotional feeling states - Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting · 2016 Invited Talk University of Geneva, Champery, Switzerland
Emotion - Toward a Neuroscience of Change Processes in Psychotherapy: What Does Psychotherapy Do and How Does It Do It? · 2015 Invited Talk Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation, Durham, NC
Panel Discussant - To catch a killer: Investigating brain function · 2015 Other Duke University Winter Forum, Durham, NC
Multivariate pattern classification reveals biomarkers of distinct emotional states in the central and autonomic nervous systems - Workshop on Novel Approaches to Decode the Distributed Neural Representation of Emotions and Their Components · 2015 Invited Talk Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, HI
Pavlov Meets the 21st Century: Fear Conditioning in Virtual Worlds - Keynote Address · 2015 Invited Talk 7th European Meeting on Human Fear Conditioning, Bochum, Germany
Skin conductance response analysis with Autonomate - Workshop on Psychophysiology · 2015 Invited Talk First EIFEL-ROF Network Meeting, Bochum, Germany
Fear conditioning in 3-D virtual worlds - Keynote Address · 2015 Invited Talk 17th Annual Meeting of the Association of Graduate Students in Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
Perceptual and conceptual fear generalization - Current Works in Behavior, Genetics and Neuroscience · 2014 Invited Talk Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Neurobehavioral mechanisms of fear generalization - Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience · 2014 Invited Talk University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
Neural systems for fear generalization - 17th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems · 2013 Invited Talk Boston University, Boston, MA
Contextual influences on conditioned fear learning · 2013 Invited Talk Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
Perceptual and conceptual contributions to fear learning - Department of Psychology · 2013 Invited Talk Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory - Carolina Neuroscience Club · 2013 Invited Talk University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Contextual features that hinder or promote extinguished fears in humans - Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting · 2013 Invited Talk San Diego, CA

Ahs, F., Dunsmoor, J. E., & LaBar, K. S

Conceptual contributions to fear learning - Symposium on The Role of Concepts in Affect and Emotion: Contributions from Affective Neuroscience · 2013 Invited Talk Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Neural systems for fear generalization - Department of Psychology · 2013 Invited Talk Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
Social and affective neuroscience - Master Mediator Institute · 2012 Invited Talk Durham, NC
Perceptual and conceptual contributions to fear generalization - Affective Science Institute · 2012 Invited Talk Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Neural systems for perceptual and conceptual fear generalization - Symposium on Fear Generalization as a Crucial Mechanism in the Development of Anxiety Disorders: New Insights and Findings · 2012 Invited Talk Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD
Neural systems for human fear learning - Feinberg Brain Institute · 2012 Invited Talk Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
Perceptual and conceptual fear generalization - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf · 2012 Invited Talk Hamburg, Germany
Frijda Chair Lecture: Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory - Cognitive Science Center Summer School · 2012 Invited Talk University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Neurobehavioral mechanisms of human fear learning - Cognitive Science Center Summer School · 2012 Invited Talk University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Imaging emotional memories - Psi Chi Lecture · 2012 Invited Talk University of North Carolina - Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
Generalization of human fear learning - University of Texas · 2012 Invited Talk Austin, TX
Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory - University of Texas · 2012 Invited Talk Austin, TX
Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory - Conference on Law and Memory · 2011 Invited Talk Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Mechanisms of fear generalization and contextualization - Conference on Neuroscience of Emotion and Emotion-Related Disorders · 2011 Invited Talk Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Canada
Neuroanatomy, neuroscience methods, and technology - Judicial Seminar on Neuroscience · 2011 Invited Talk American Association for the Advancement of Science, Philadelphia, PA
Brain mechanisms for remembering real-world emotional events - Behavioral Sciences Division colloquium · 2010 Invited Talk National Center for PTSD, Boston VA Healthcare System, Boston, MA
Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory - XII International Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting · 2010 Invited Talk Istanbul, Turkey
Brain mechanisms for remembering real-world emotional events - Symposium on Seekers of Emotion: Neuroscientific Understanding of Affective Behavior · 2010 Invited Talk Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Mechanisms of generalized fear learning - Annual Meeting of the Memory Disorders Research Society · 2010 Invited Talk Evanston, IL
Translational approaches to emotional memory regulation - Gordon Conference on Amygdala in Health and Disease · 2009 Invited Talk Colby College, Waterville, ME
Neuroanatomy, neuroscience methods, and technology - Judicial Seminar on Neuroscience · 2009 Invited Talk American Association for the Advancement of Science, Reno, NV
Social and affective neuroscience - The Science Behind the Sense: Exploring the Cognitive Neuroscience of Decision Making · 2009 Invited Talk Master Mediator Institute, Durham, NC
Emotional influences on cognitive brain functions - Workshop on Aging, Motivation, and Addiction · 2009 Invited Talk National Institutes of Health (NIDA, NIA), Washington, DC
Sensation to emotion - Sensation and Emotion Network · 2009 Other New York, NY
Theories and social functions of emotion - Minds and Societies Summer School · 2008 Invited Talk Institute for Cognitive Science of l'Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, Canada, Montreal, Canada
Perception, attention, and learning in the face of fear - Cognitive Science Program, Department of Psychology · 2008 Invited Talk University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Contextual recovery of fear memories - Masters Seminar, Foundations of Cognitive Science · 2008 Invited Talk University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory - Department of Psychiatry · 2008 Invited Talk UCSF Medical School, San Francisco, CA
Neural systems for executive and emotional functions - Neuroscience of Social Decision Making Lecture Series · 2008 Lecture Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Context-dependent recovery of fear memories - Merrill Research Conference on Learning, Memory, and the Biology of Clinical Disorders · 2008 Invited Talk Phoenix, AZ
Panel discussant - Workshop on developing a test battery for cognitive dysfunction in substance abuse · 2007 Other National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, Bethesda, MD
Affective neuroscience - Satellite symposium on cognitive neuroscience · 2007 Lecture Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Chicago, IL
Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory - Conference on Advances in Memory Research · 2007 Invited Talk Rotman Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Moderator - Symposium on emotion and motivation: Perceptual processes · 2007 Other Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Chicago, IL
Emotion, memory, and the brain - Psi Chi Lecture Series · 2007 Invited Talk Department of Psychology, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC
Imaging emotion and executive function in psychiatric disorders and healthy controls - Novartis Symposium on Functional Brain Imaging in Psychiatry · 2007 Invited Talk Zurich, Switzerland
Integrating multiple social signals from the face - Social Psychology Brownbag Series · 2007 Invited Talk Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Neurobiology of emotional memory - Symposium on Molecules to Mind · 2007 Invited Talk Institute for Molecular Pathology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Neurocognitive mechanisms of emotional memory - Inaugural Lecture of the Neuroscience Centre · 2007 Invited Talk University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Why are emotional memories hard to forget? - Symposium on Learning and Memory · 2007 Invited Talk National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, Bethesda, MD
When do amygdala-lesioned patients recognize fear and anger in faces? - Conference on Neural Systems of Social Behavior · 2007 Invited Talk University of Texas, Austin, TX
Laboratory in functional MRI - Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience · 2007 Lecture University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
Neural mechanisms of emotional learning - Symposium on Translating Animal Neurophys8ological Research to Humans Using Neuroimaging · 2006 Invited Talk American Psychological Society, New York, NY
Psychological and neural mechanisms of fear learning - Affective Science Lecture Series · 2006 Invited Talk Boston College, Boston, MA
Brain mechanisms for generalization and specialization of conditioned fear learning - Symposium on Generalization of Knowledge · 2006 Invited Talk University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Brain mechanisms of emotional memory - Michael S. Goodman '74 Memorial Lecture · 2006 Invited Talk Department of Psychology, Brown University, Providence, RI
Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory - Department of Psychiatry · 2006 Invited Talk Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
Emotional influences on episodic memory - Conference on Neuroimaging and Psychological Theories of Human Memory · 2006 Invited Talk University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany
Emotional influences on task-relevant attentional processing - Conference on Attention, Awareness, and Consciousness · 2006 Invited Talk Institute for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA
Emotion-cognition interactions: Basic mechanisms - Cognitive Approaches to Addiction: Progress and Pitfalls · 2005 Invited Talk National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, Bethesda, MD
The phenomenological experience of emotional remembering - Symposium on the Effect of Emotion on Declarative Memory · 2005 Invited Talk Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada
Psychobiology of fear acquisition, maintenance, and recovery - Yale Child Study Center · 2005 Invited Talk Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Neural correlates of emotional remembering - Social and Affective Neuroscience Lecture Series · 2005 Invited Talk Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Emotional perception and explicit memory - Workshop on Brain Correlates of Emotional Perception in Communication · 2004 Invited Talk Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany
Neural mechanisms of emotional memory - Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar Series · 2004 Invited Talk Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
Panel discussant - Using translational science in studies of emotion regulation and psychopathology · 2004 Other Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA
Emotional modulation of attention and memory in aging and Alzheimer's disease - Alzheimer's Disease Research Center · 2004 Invited Talk New York University Medical School, New York, NY
Emotional memory functions of the human amygdala - Symposium on Cognitive Approaches to Drug Addiction · 2004 Invited Talk Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Chair - Symposium on Bridging Clinical and Experimental Approaches to Emotion Regulation · 2003 Other American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada
Effects of emotion suppression on explicit and implicit memory formation - Symposium on Bridging Clinical and Experimental Approaches to Emotion Regulation · 2003 Invited Talk American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada

Lynch, T. R., & LaBar, K. S.

Role of the amygdala in emotional memory - Department of Psychology · 2003 Invited Talk Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Cognitive neuroscience of human fear conditioning - Department of Psychiatry · 2003 Invited Talk Columbia University, New York, NY
Neural correlates of emotional distraction on a visual oddball task - Center for Neural Science · 2002 Invited Talk New York University, New York, NY
Role of emotion suppression in classical fear conditioning - Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy · 2001 Invited Talk Philadelphia, PA

Lynch, T. R., Krause, E. D., Morse, J. Q., Mendelson, T., Crozier, J. & LaBar, K. S.

Commentator - Social and affective contents of consciousness · 2001 Other Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Durham, NC
Implicit emotional memories and the human amygdala - Department of Psychology · 2001 Invited Talk University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Impact of signal-to-noise on functional MRI of the amygdala during emotional picture encoding - International Conference on Human Brain Mapping · 2000 Invited Talk San Antonio, TX

LaBar, K. S., Parrish, T. B., Gitelman, D. R., & Mesulam, M.-M.

Panel Discussant - Careers in Behavioral Neuroscience · 1998 Other Lafayette College, Easton, PA
Panel discussant - National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine · 1998 Other Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL
Fear conditioning following unilateral temporal lobectomy in humans: Impaired simple discrimination - Conference on Learning and Memory · 1994 Invited Talk Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

LaBar, K. S., LeDoux, J. E., & Phelps, E. A.

Outreach & Engaged Scholarship

Summer Neuroscience Program Mentor - Summer Neuroscience Program · 2019 Projects & Field Work Brain & Society
Bass Connections Faculty Team Leader - Summer Neuroscience Program Mentor · 2017 Projects & Field Work Primary Theme: Brain & Society
Faculty Mentor - Howard Hughes Research Fellows Program · 2012 Research Duke University flag North Carolina
Faculty Mentor - Advanced Research Training in Science · 2010 - 2011 Research North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics flag North Carolina
Faculty Mentor - Vertical Integration Program · 2009 Research Duke University flag North Carolina
Summer Neuroscience Program Mentor - Summer Neuroscience Program · 2019 Projects & Field Work Brain & Society
Bass Connections Faculty Team Leader - Summer Neuroscience Program Mentor · 2017 Projects & Field Work Primary Theme: Brain & Society
Faculty Mentor - Howard Hughes Research Fellows Program · 2012 Research Duke University flag North Carolina
Faculty Mentor - Advanced Research Training in Science · 2010 - 2011 Research North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics flag North Carolina
Faculty Mentor - Vertical Integration Program · 2009 Research Duke University flag North Carolina
Faculty Mentor - Duke PREP Program · 2004 - 2008 Professional Development Duke University flag North Carolina
Lafayette Alumni Research Network - Undergraduate Training Program in Neuroscience · 2003 - 2015 Research Lafayette College flag United States of America

Service to the Profession

Member - Scientific Advisory Panel · 2015 Committee Service National Science Foundation,
Grant Reviewer · 2015 Consulting University of Leuven Research Council, Leuven, Belgium
Guest Editor - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA · 2014 Editorial Activities
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2013 Committee Service NIH - CSR Study Section MESH - BBBP Integrated Review Group,
Chair - Young Investigator Award Committee · 2013 - 2016 Committee Service Cognitive Neuroscience Society,
Member - Scientific Advisory Panel · 2015 Committee Service National Science Foundation,
Grant Reviewer · 2015 Consulting University of Leuven Research Council, Leuven, Belgium
Guest Editor - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA · 2014 Editorial Activities
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2013 Committee Service NIH - CSR Study Section MESH - BBBP Integrated Review Group,
Chair - Young Investigator Award Committee · 2013 - 2016 Committee Service Cognitive Neuroscience Society,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2013 Committee Service NIH CSR Study Section ZRG1-BCMB-A 51 R,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2012 Committee Service NIH CSR Study Section ZCA1 IFCN-LAM,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2012 Committee Service University of Geneva BRIDGE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2011 Committee Service NIH CSR Study Section ZCA1 SRLB-B M3 R,
Board of Directors - NIMH Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience · 2011 - 2015 Event/Organization Administration UC Davis/UC Santa Barbara, CA
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2011 Committee Service NIH CSR Study Section ZCA1 SRLB-B M1 R,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2011 Committee Service NIH - CSR Study Section MESH - BBBP Integrated Review Group,
Grant Reviewer - National Science Foundation · 2011 Consulting
Editorial Board Member - Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders · 2010 - 2015 Editorial Activities
Member - Young Investigator Award Committee · 2010 - 2012 Committee Service Cognitive Neuroscience Society,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2010 Committee Service NIH CSR Study Section ZRG1 BDCN-W (02),
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2010 Committee Service NIH CSR Study Section ZRG1 F02B-Y (20) L,
Co-Organizer - Memory Disorders Research Society Annual Meeting · 2009 Event/Organization Administration Chapel Hill, NC
Guest Editor - Emotion · 2009 - 2010 Editorial Activities
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2008 Committee Service NIH CSR Study Section ZRG1 IFCN-A (02) M,
Consulting Editor - Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience · 2007 - 2015 Editorial Activities
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2007 Committee Service NIH CSR Study Section ZDA1 MXG-S (18) 1,
Reviewing Editor - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience · 2007 - 2013 Editorial Activities
Consulting Editor - Emotion · 2006 - 2011 Editorial Activities
Grant Reviewer · 2006 Consulting Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, Alberta, CANADA
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2006 Committee Service NIH - CSR Study Section ZMH1 BST-Q 01 S,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2005 Committee Service NIH - CSR Study Section MESH - BBBP Integrated Review Group,
Associate Editor - Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience · 2005 - 2007 Editorial Activities
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2004 - 2005 Committee Service NIH - CSR Study Section ZRG1 F02(A) L - IFCN Fellowships,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2004 Committee Service NIH - CSR Study Section ZMH1 BST-Q 01 S,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2004 Committee Service NIH - NIMH B/START Program,
Grant Reviewer - Scottish Hospitals Endowments Research Trust · 2004 Consulting
Member - Scientific Advisory Panel · 2004 - 2009 Committee Service National Science Foundation,
Grant Reviewer - Alzheimer's Association Investigator-Initiated Research Grants · 2004 - 2006 Consulting
Consulting Editor - Behavioral Neuroscience · 2001 - 2016 Editorial Activities
Grant Reviewer - National Science Foundation · 2001 Consulting
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2001 Committee Service NIH - NIMH B/START Program,
Member - Grant Review Panel · 2001 Committee Service NIH - CSR Study Section ZDA1 TXL-Q 11,
Grant Reviewer - Israeli National Science Foundation · 2000 Consulting

Service to Duke

Head . Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience Program · 2015 - 2017 Event/Organization Administration Dept. of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Steering Committee, Undergraduate Neuroscience Major/Minor (Center) · 2015 - 2016 Committee Service Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
Space Committee (Center) · 2015 - 2017 Committee Service Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Co-chair, Faculty Search Committee (Department) · 2014 - 2015 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Academic Programs Committee (University) · 2014 - 2017 Committee Service Office of the Provost,
Head . Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience Program · 2015 - 2017 Event/Organization Administration Dept. of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Steering Committee, Undergraduate Neuroscience Major/Minor (Center) · 2015 - 2016 Committee Service Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
Space Committee (Center) · 2015 - 2017 Committee Service Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Co-chair, Faculty Search Committee (Department) · 2014 - 2015 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Academic Programs Committee (University) · 2014 - 2017 Committee Service Office of the Provost,
Steering Committee, Doctoral Admitting Program (Center) · 2014 - 2016 Committee Service Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Executive Board, Brain and Society Initiative (University) · 2012 - 2013 Committee Service Bass Connections Program,
Research Incubator Awards Review Committee (Center) · 2012 - 2013 Committee Service Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
Duke Interdisciplinary Initiative in Social Psychology (DIISP) Task Force (University) · 2012 - 2013 Committee Service
Faculty Promotion Review Committee (Department) · 2012 - 2013 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Co-organizer, Cognition and Its Disorders Colloquium Series (Center) · 2011 - 2012 Committee Service Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
Co-organizer, Colloquium Series on Social Neuroscience (Center) · 2011 - 2011 Committee Service Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Head . Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience Program · 2011 - 2013 Event/Organization Administration Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Faculty Search Committee (Department) · 2011 - 2013 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Chair (Department) · 2011 - 2012 Committee Service Faculty Promotion Review Committee, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience
Advisory Committee (School) · 2011 - 2012 Committee Service Duke immersive Virtual Environment,
Co-organizer, Cognition: Then and Now Colloquium Series (Department) · 2010 - 2011 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Faculty Advisor (Center) · 2010 - 2013 Committee Service Duke Institute for Brain Sciences Social Neuroscience Journal Club,
Neuroscience Graduate Consortium Steering Committee (Center) · 2010 - 2013 Committee Service Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
Steering Committee, Doctoral Admitting Program (Center) · 2010 - 2013 Committee Service Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Reappointment Review Committee, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (University) · 2010 - 2011 Committee Service Office of the Provost,
Space Committee (Center) · 2009 - 2012 Committee Service Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
Steering Committee, Undergraduate Neuroscience Major/Minor (Center) · 2009 - 2013 Committee Service Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
Faculty Promotion Review Committee (Department) · 2009 - 2011 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Selection Committee, Undergraduate Zener Award (Department) · 2009 - 2011 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Invited Speaker, The Place of Memory Symposium . Visual Studies Initiative Program · 2009 Event Attendance
Invited Speaker . Transcending the Boundaries: From Brain to Society Symposium · 2009 Event Attendance Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
Faculty Search Committee (Center) · 2008 - 2009 Committee Service Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Implementation Committee, Undergraduate Neuroscience Major/Minor (Center) · 2008 - 2009 Committee Service Duke Institute for Brain Sciences,
Graduate Student Awards Committee (Department) · 2008 - 2009 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Website Development Committee (Department) · 2006 - 2007 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Faculty Promotion Review Committee (Department) · 2006 - 2007 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Director of Graduate Studies · 2006 - 2007 Event/Organization Administration Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Chair, Faculty Search Committee (Department) · 2006 - 2007 Committee Service Department of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Organizer, Colloquium Series on Affective Neuroscience · 2005 Event/Organization Administration Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Education Committee on Brain, Mind & Behavior (School) · 2005 - 2006 Committee Service School of Arts & Sciences,
Science & Engineering Focus Group, Faculty Workshop Series (University) · 2004 - 2005 Committee Service Office of Research Support,
Faculty Representative, Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences . Undergraduate Major Fair · 2004 Event Attendance
Faculty Representative, Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences . Psychology Graduate School Fair · 2004 Event Attendance
Faculty Search Committee (Center) · 2004 - 2006 Committee Service Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Graduate Curriculum Committee (Department) · 2002 - 2003 Committee Service Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences,
Workgroup to Establish an Undergraduate Neuroscience Major (Department) · 2000 - 2001 Committee Service Dept. of Psychological and Brain Sciences,
Scientific Review Committee (Center) · 2000 - 2003 Committee Service Brain Imaging & Analysis Center,
Faculty Search Committee (Center) · 1999 - 2002 Committee Service Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Doctoral Program Admitting Committee (Department) · 1999 - 2001 Committee Service Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences,