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Mark B.N. Hansen

James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Literature
Box 90670, Durham, NC 27708-0670
101 Friedl Building, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Sound's Futurity · November 28, 2013 Lecture Aarhus, Denmark
Feed-Forward · November 8, 2013 Lecture Peterborough, Canada
Media Futures: Mediatheoretical Mathematics in Action · November 7, 2013 Lecture Peterborough, Canada
Value and Imitation, or Towards a Post-Tardean Theory of Media · July 5, 2013 Lecture Weimar, Germany
Always Totalize! Whitehead's Imperative and the Speculative Phenomenology of Media" · June 26, 2013 Lecture Weimar, Germany
Sound's Futurity · November 28, 2013 Lecture Aarhus, Denmark
Feed-Forward · November 8, 2013 Lecture Peterborough, Canada
Media Futures: Mediatheoretical Mathematics in Action · November 7, 2013 Lecture Peterborough, Canada
Value and Imitation, or Towards a Post-Tardean Theory of Media · July 5, 2013 Lecture Weimar, Germany
Always Totalize! Whitehead's Imperative and the Speculative Phenomenology of Media" · June 26, 2013 Lecture Weimar, Germany
Issues in 21st Century Media · June 25, 2013 Lecture Frankfurt, Germany
From Embodiment to Environment: The Challenge of 21st Century Media · June 24, 2013 Lecture Frankfurt, Germany
The Artifactuality of Affect · May 31, 2013 Lecture Cologne, Germany
The Ecological Pharmacology of Media · February 28, 2013 Lecture College Park, Maryland
Ecologies of Imitation and Experience · January 13, 2013 Lecture Bochum, Germany
The Politics of Sensibility · December 14, 2012 Lecture Keynote lecture for the Expression, Sensation, Mediation Conference, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Operational Present of Sensibility · December 13, 2012 Lecture Keynote Lecture, Aesthetics Re-Loaded Conference, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
The Imperceptible Image · November 2, 2012 Lecture Keynote Lecture, Walter Benjamin/Images? Precisely! Conference, Syracuse University School of Architecture, Syracuse, NY
Sensibility’s Present, or Can Consciousness Think 21st Century Media? · October 23, 2012 Lecture Invited lecture, School of Film and TV, University of Shanghai, Shanghai, China
The Operational Present of Sensibility, Part I · September 28, 2012 Lecture Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Milwaukee, WI
Can Consciousness Think 21st Century Media? · July 28, 2012 Lecture Keynote, Camden Philosophical Society, Camden, Maine
Workshop on "Ubiquitous Sensibility" · July 6, 2012 Lecture American Studies, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany
The End of Pharmacology?: Historicizing 21st Century Media · July 3, 2012 Lecture Invited Lecture, American Studies, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Feed-Forward, or, The Future of 21st Century Media · July 2, 2012 Lecture Public Lecture, American Studies, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Against Clairvoyance: The Future of 21st Century Media · May 4, 2012 Lecture Plenary lecture at the Non-Human Turn Conference, Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Worldly Sensibility and the Vibratory Continuum: Thinking 21st Century Media with A. N. Whitehead · April 9, 2012 Lecture Henkle Memorial Lecture, Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University
The Biometric Selection Engine · February 7, 2012 Lecture CHAT Festival, Durham, NC
Feed Forward: The Future of 21st Century Media · November 10, 2011 Lecture Aesthetics Faculty, Aarhus University, Denmark
Real Potentiality, Predictive Analytics, and the Environmental Turn in 21st Century Media · November 9, 2011 Lecture Department of Media Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Data and Experience in 21st Century Media · April 20, 2011 Lecture Mellon Sawyer Seminar Symposium on “Plasticity: Neuroscience, Developmental Biology, Philosophy,” Duke University
21st Century Media · April 15, 2011 Lecture Arts and Technology and Arts and Humanities, University of Dallas
Speculative Phenomenology, or 21st Century Media from a Radically Environmental Perspective · March 5, 2011 Lecture Technologies of Meaning: Conference on Old and New Media, Center for Advanced Media Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Common Sense · February 11, 2011 Lecture FHI Conference in Honor of Barbara Herrnstein Smith, Franklin Humanities Center, Duke University
Delimination of Life - Affective Bodies and Biomedia · February 5, 2011 Lecture transmediale festival, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
Speculative Phenomenology (Whitehead and 21st Century Media) · November 8, 2010 Lecture Columbia University Faculty Workshop on Media Studies, New York
Data and Experience in 21st Century Media · October 29, 2010 Lecture Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Indianapolis, Indiana
Embodiment and the Real · October 1, 2010 Lecture Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA
On the Problem of Creativity in a Mediated World · September 25, 2010 Lecture ForArt, Oslo, Norway
Recording (for) the Emergent Future, or Data and Experience in 21st Century Media · September 24, 2010 Lecture ForArt, Oslo, Norway
Originary Environmental Sensibility, or Technical Invention and the Operational Blindness of Psychic Individualization · May 28, 2010 Lecture Gilbert Simondon: Transduction, Translation, Transformation,” American University of Paris, Paris, France
Media and Sensation · April 15, 2010 Lecture Hurford Humanities Center, Haverford College
Ubiquitous Sensation · March 30, 2010 Lecture Visual Studies Rendez-Vous, Smith Warehouse, Duke University
Workshop Discussion of my paper, “System-Environment Hybrids” · March 26, 2010 Lecture Indiana University
Ubiquitous Computing as Environmental Agency, or Towards a Post-Phenomenology of Microtemporal Sensation · March 25, 2010 Lecture Indiana University
Microtemporality of Embodiment · March 19, 2010 Lecture Panel on “The Archive of the Future: New Technologies and/in Media Studies Today,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Los Angeles
Roundtable on the Material and the Code · February 27, 2010 Lecture “The Material and the Code Symposium,” Film Studies Center, University of Chicago
Individuation, Disindividuation, Resistance, Refusal · February 26, 2010 Lecture “Future Foucault: On the Anniversary of Bodies and Pleasures,” Pembroke Center, Brown University
Digitizing the Human · February 10, 2010 Lecture Humanities Center, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Seminar Discussion of my work (focus on cybernetics and biopolitics) · February 10, 2010 Lecture University of Wisconsin, Madison
Frampton Between Media and Technics · February 6, 2010 Lecture “Critical Mass: The Legacy of Hollis Frampton,” at the Film Studies Center, University of Chicago
Seminar Discussion of my work (focus on Neocybernetic Emergence) · January 28, 2010 Lecture Institute for Media Studies, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Ubiquitous Sensorium · January 27, 2010 Lecture Institute for Media Studies, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany
A Space-Time of Ubiquitous Computation · December 12, 2009 Lecture Irvine, California
When is the Subject?: Micro-temporal Networks and Asubjective Fluxes · November 7, 2009 Lecture Atlanta
Behavioral Evolution: How Language and Technologies Make Us Human · November 5, 2009 Lecture Duke University
Ubiquitous Sensation · October 9, 2009 Lecture Columbia University, NY
Guest Scholar Colloquium · September 18, 2009 Lecture University of Missouri, Columbia, MI
The Autonomy of the Peripheral · September 17, 2009 Lecture University of Missouri, Columbia, MI
Time and Materiality · September 9, 2009 Lecture NC State
Time and Image · May 22, 2009 Lecture Potsdam, Germany
Guest Scholar Colloquium · April 1, 2009 Lecture University of Pittsburgh
Digital Media and Transcendental Sensibility · April 1, 2009 Lecture University of Pittsburgh
Digital Media, Transcendental Sensibility and the Problem of Protention · March 24, 2009 Lecture Duke University
New Media Across Images, Body and Time · March 6, 2009 Lecture Medellin, Columbia
Expanding Consciousness of Cognition? · March 4, 2009 Lecture Bogota, Columbia
Mind Time, Machine Time: Toward a Postphenomenological Media · November 14, 2008 Lecture ZKM, “Technology and Desire” conference, University of the Arts, Karlsruhe
Asubjective Retention · November 12, 2008 Lecture “Pervasive Computing” conference, University of Copenhagen, Department for Cultural Studies and the Arts
Fleshing (out) the Brain · November 7, 2008 Lecture “Fleshing out the Text Conference,” Brandeis University, Boston
New Media Between Body and Image · September 9, 2008 Lecture “Conversations with Spaces” seminar, Royal Academy of Art, Bergen, Norway
Retention Beyond the ‘Temporal Object,’ or What Happens to Time Embodiment in the Age of Digital Technics · September 6, 2008 Lecture “The Bodily Turn: Gesture, Gender, and Sensation in the Arts” conference, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Digital Technics Beyond the ‘Last Machine’: Thinking Digital Media with Hollis Frampton · September 4, 2008 Lecture Visual Culture: Images between the Still and the Moving conference, University of Oslo, Lysebu Center, Oslo
For the time being, or the being and time of today · July 6, 2008 Lecture “Media Matters: Friedrich Kittler and Technoculture” conference, Tate London
Is the ‘Digital’ in Digital Cinema the Same as the ‘Digital’ in Digital Media · April 26, 2008 Lecture “Recoded: Landscapes and Politics of New Media,” Centre for Modern Thought, University of Aberdeen
Living Cosmic Time in the Present · April 4, 2008 Lecture Colloquium on “Terrestriality, Reinscription, Memory Regimes, University at Albany
Living (with) Technical Time: From Media Surrogacy to Distributed Cognition · February 28, 2008 Lecture Charles S. Holmes Memorial Lecture, Pomona College

Service to the Profession

University of Minnesota Press · 2012 Editorial Activities
Polity Press · 2012 Editorial Activities
Manuscript Reviews for Polity Press · January 3, 2011 Editorial Activities
Modern Language Association of America · 2010 Committee Service
Society for Science, Literature and the Arts · 2010 Committee Service
University of Minnesota Press · 2012 Editorial Activities
Polity Press · 2012 Editorial Activities
Manuscript Reviews for Polity Press · January 3, 2011 Editorial Activities
Modern Language Association of America · 2010 Committee Service
Society for Science, Literature and the Arts · 2010 Committee Service
Society for Cinema and Media Studies · 2010 Committee Service
Reviewed articles for Theory, Culture and Society · 2010 Editorial Activities
University of Minnesota Press · December 18, 2009 Editorial Activities
Digital Arts and Culture Conference · December 12, 2009 Event/Organization Administration UC Irvine