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Mark B.N. Hansen

James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Literature
Box 90670, Durham, NC 27708-0670
101 Friedl Building, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Publications

Bernard stiegler, philosopher of desire?

Journal Article Boundary 2 · February 1, 2017 Full text Cite

Medium-oriented ontology

Journal Article ELH - English Literary History · June 1, 2016 Full text Cite


Book · January 1, 2016 Although little known today, Raymond Ruyer was a post-World War II French philosopher whose works and ideas were significant influences on major thinkers, including Deleuze, Guattari, and Simondon. With the publication of this translation of Neofinalism, c ... Cite

Our Predictive Condition, or, Prediction in the Wild

Chapter · 2015 Featured Publication Cite


Chapter · January 1, 2015 The propeller of difference within the weather pattern can be thought of as a minor gesture. Weather patterns move across in a field of relation activated in the realm of the more-than-human, in the ecology of experience generated by the variational field ... Full text Cite

The operational present of sensibility

Journal Article Nordic Journal of Aesthetics · January 1, 2014 Featured Publication Contemporary digital technologies afford unprecedented access to levels of temporal experience that have long remained beyond the scope of human thematization. In their efforts to historicize these affordances, historians of science have insisted on the pe ... Cite

The Primacy of Sensation

Chapter · 2014 Featured Publication Cite

Ubiquitous sensibility

Chapter · June 17, 2013 Cite


Chapter · June 1, 2013 Full text Cite

Medienästhetik: Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt

Journal Article Zeitschrift fuer Medienwissenschaft · 2013 Cite

Bernard stiegler, philosopher of desire?

Journal Article Boundary 2 · February 1, 2017 Full text Cite

Medium-oriented ontology

Journal Article ELH - English Literary History · June 1, 2016 Full text Cite


Book · January 1, 2016 Although little known today, Raymond Ruyer was a post-World War II French philosopher whose works and ideas were significant influences on major thinkers, including Deleuze, Guattari, and Simondon. With the publication of this translation of Neofinalism, c ... Cite

Our Predictive Condition, or, Prediction in the Wild

Chapter · 2015 Featured Publication Cite


Chapter · January 1, 2015 The propeller of difference within the weather pattern can be thought of as a minor gesture. Weather patterns move across in a field of relation activated in the realm of the more-than-human, in the ecology of experience generated by the variational field ... Full text Cite

The operational present of sensibility

Journal Article Nordic Journal of Aesthetics · January 1, 2014 Featured Publication Contemporary digital technologies afford unprecedented access to levels of temporal experience that have long remained beyond the scope of human thematization. In their efforts to historicize these affordances, historians of science have insisted on the pe ... Cite

The Primacy of Sensation

Chapter · 2014 Featured Publication Cite

Ubiquitous sensibility

Chapter · June 17, 2013 Cite


Chapter · June 1, 2013 Full text Cite

Medienästhetik: Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt

Journal Article Zeitschrift fuer Medienwissenschaft · 2013 Cite

Symbolizing Time: Kittler and 21st Century Media

Chapter · 2013 Featured Publication Cite

Issue on Medienästhetik (Media Aesthetics)

Journal Article Zeitschrift für Medienästhetik · 2013 Cite

Ubiquitous sensibility

Chapter · January 1, 2013 Full text Cite

Technics Beyond the Temporal Object

Journal Article New Formations · 2012 Cite

Foucault and Media: A Missed Encounter?

Journal Article SAQ: The South Atlantic Quarterly · 2012 Cite

Critical Terms for New Media

Book · 2010 Communications, philosophy, film and video, digital culture: media studies straddles an astounding array of fields and disciplines and produces a vocabulary that is in equal parts rigorous and intuitive. Critical Terms for Media Studies defines, and at tim ... Cite

New Media

Chapter · January 2010 Cite


Chapter · January 2010 Cite


Chapter · 2010 Cite

Emergence and Embodiment: New Essays on Second-Order Systems Theory

Book · 2009 Emerging in the 1940s, the first cybernetics–the study of communication and control systems–was mainstreamed under the names Artificial Intelligence and computer science and taken up by the social sciences, the humanities, and the creative arts. In Emergen ... Cite

Neocybernetic Emergence: Retuning the Posthuman

Journal Article Cybernetics and Human Knowing · 2009 Cite

Time/Shi Jian

Journal Article Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular · 2009 Cite

Interview with Friedrich Kittler and Mark Hansen

Journal Article Theory, Culture & Society · December 2007 Cite

The Time of Bare Life

Other Bare Life (Exhibition Catalogue) · September 2007 Cite

Bodies in code: Interfaces with digital media

Book · September 20, 2006 Bodies in Code explores how our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments. Cyberculture theorists have tended to overlook biological reality when talking about virtual reality, and Mark B. N. Hansen's book shows what they've been missing. Cybersp ... Full text Cite

Media Theory

Chapter · January 1, 2006 Poised on the cusp between phenomenology and materiality, media institute a theoretical oscillation that promises to displace the empirical-transcendental divide that has structured western meditation on thinking, including the thinking of technics. Becaus ... Full text Cite

Media theory

Journal Article Theory, Culture and Society · January 1, 2006 Poised on the cusp between phenomenology and materiality, media institute a theoretical oscillation that promises to displace the empirical-transcendental divide that has structured western meditation on thinking, including the thinking of technics. Becaus ... Cite

Media Theory

Journal Article Theory, Culture & Society · 2006 Cite


Chapter · 2005 Cite

The Cambridge companion to: Merleau-ponty

Book · January 1, 2004 Maurice Merleau-Ponty was described by Paul Ricoeur as "the greatest of the French phenomenologists." The new essays in this volume examine the full scope of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy, from his central and abiding concern with the nature of perception and ... Full text Cite

The Arche-Technics of Life (Arakawa and Gins)

Journal Article Interfaces, 21/22 · 2004 Cite

The Digital Topography of Mark Z. Danielewski’s "House of Leaves"

Journal Article Comporary Literature XLV · 2004 Cite

The Time of Affect, or Bearing Witness to Life

Journal Article Critical Inquiry · 2004 Cite

Affect as Interface: Confronting the Digital-Facial Image

Journal Article Journal of Visual Culture · August 2003 Cite

Affect as medium, or the 'digital-facial-image'

Journal Article Journal of Visual Culture · January 1, 2003 By exploring a number of contemporary new media artworks that focus on the digitized image of the face, I propose the encounter with the 'digital-facial-image' (DFI) as a new paradigm for the human interface with digital data. Whereas the currently predomi ... Full text Cite

Wearable Space

Journal Article Configurations · 2002 Cite

The Affective Topology of New Media Art

Journal Article Spectator · 2002 Cite

Internal Resonance, or Three Steps Towards a Non-Viral Becoming

Journal Article Culture Machine · March 2001 Cite

Foucault Beyond Deleuze?

Journal Article In-between · 2001 Cite


Chapter · 1985 Cite