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Martin D. Smith

George M. Woodwell Distinguished Professor of Environmental Economics
Marine Science and Conservation
Box 90328, Durham, NC 27708-0328
9 Circuit Drive, Grainger Hall 4116, Durham, NC 27708

Current Appointments & Affiliations

George M. Woodwell Distinguished Professor of Environmental Economics · 2016 - Present Marine Science and Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environment
Professor of Environmental Economics · 2017 - Present Marine Science and Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environment
Professor in the Department of Economics · 2014 - Present Economics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor in the Division of Environmental Social Systems · 2024 - Present Environmental Social Systems, Nicholas School of the Environment
Affiliate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society · 2014 - Present Duke Science & Society, Initiatives

Previous Appointments & Affiliations

Faculty Network Member of The Energy Initiative · 2012 - 2022 Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Initiatives
Professor of Environmental Economics in the Division of Environmental Sciences and Policy · 2014 - 2017 Environmental Sciences and Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment
Associate Professor of Environmental Economics · 2008 - 2014 Environmental Sciences and Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment
Associate Professor in the Department of Economics · 2008 - 2014 Economics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Dan and Bunny Gabel Associate Professor of Environmental Economics · 2011 - 2014 Environmental Sciences and Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment
Assistant Professor of Environmental Economics · 2001 - 2008 Environmental Sciences and Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment
Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics · 2007 - 2008 Economics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Assistant Professor of Economics · 2003 - 2006 Economics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences