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Martin D. Smith

George M. Woodwell Distinguished Professor of Environmental Economics
Marine Science and Conservation
Box 90328, Durham, NC 27708-0328
9 Circuit Drive, Grainger Hall 4116, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Towards an Econometric Foundation for Marine Ecosystem-based Management · November 1, 2008 Lecture Seventh William R. and Lenore Mote International Symposium, Spatial Dimensions of Fisheries: Putting it All in Place, Sarasota, FL,
Beach Capital and Dynamic Coastal Management Strategies · October 1, 2008 Lecture Cornell University, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Spatial Choice Modeling and Empirical Bioeconomics of the Fishery, Workshop on Choice modeling: Producers and consumers reaction to policy changes in natural resource policy models · June 1, 2008 Lecture Centre for Fisheries & Aquaculture Management & Economics, University of Southern Denmark
Bias Correction in an Empirical Fishery Model: A Two-stage Approach, AERE Session, Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting · January 1, 2008 Lecture New Orleans, LA

Service to the Profession

Co-Editor - Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists · 2013 Editorial Activities
Editor-in-Chief - Marine Resource Economics · 2012 Editorial Activities
Editorial Council - Journal of Environmental Economics and Management · 2011 Editorial Activities
Co-Editor - Journal of Environmental Economics and Management · 2007 - 2011 Editorial Activities
Associate Editor - Marine Resource Economics · 2004 - 2007 Editorial Activities

Service to Duke

Interdisciplinary Strategy Council (Program) · 2022 - 2023 Committee Service