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Nicholas Christian DeVito

Assistant Professor of Medicine
Medicine, Medical Oncology
DUMC Box 3052, Durham, NC 27710
308 Research Drive, Levine Science Research, C161, Durham, NC 27710

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Updates in the Management of Resected Pancreatic Cancer - Duke Cancer Review · July 2019 Invited Talk Duke Cancer Network, The Umstead
The Role of Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Advanced Gastroesophageal Cancers - Duke Cancer Network · February 2019 Invited Talk

Academic & Administrative Activities

In addition to my research and clinical duties, I conduct fellowship interviews, teach residents and fellows during clinic and while on the 9300 inpatient medical oncology service, and give educational talks to fellows in both oncology and palliative care. I also participate in a directed mentoring program for aspiring laboratory and translational-based hematology/oncology fellows.

Clinical Activities

I have a weekly clinic in medical oncology focused on gastrointestinal malignancies. I also attend the 9300 inpatient medical oncology service.