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Kathleen M. Pryer

Professor of Biology
Box 90338, Durham, NC 27708-0338
358 Bio Sci Bldg, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Communicating science in social settings; …yes, it matters - Next Generation Pteridology: An International Conference on Lycophyte and Fern Research · June 2015 Keynote/Named Lecture Smithsonian Institution and United States Botanic Gardens,
Incoming President's Address: "In the shadow of angiosperms", American Society of Plant Taxonomists Banquet · December 16, 2012 Lecture Botany 2012, Columbus, Ohio
Profiles in Sexuality Research: "Why gender diversity in ferns is critical to their evolutionary success" · December 16, 2012 Lecture Duke Program In The Study Of Sexualities, Center for LGBT Life, and Women's Studies Program
Invited speaker, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CA · November 27, 2011 Lecture
Invited Symposium speaker, IBC 2011: XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia. Symposium: Exploring the Fern Frontier: Identifying the Next Generation of Challenges in Fern Biology · November 27, 2011 Lecture
Invited speaker, Department of Botany, University of Vermont, VT · December 11, 2010 Lecture
Invited speaker, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, CT · July 1, 2010 Lecture
Invited speaker · November 1, 2008 Lecture Dept. of Plant Biology, North Carolina State University
Invited speaker · April 1, 2008 Lecture Department of Plant Biology, Southern Illinois University
Invited speaker · January 1, 2008 Lecture Organization for Tropical Studies, Las Cruces and La Selva Biological Stations, Costa Rica

Outreach & Engaged Scholarship

Oversee a student-driven class website that highlights the "Plants of the Duke University Campus: - Outreach from teaching Bio 142L · December 20, 2010 Other Service to the Community
Oversee a student-driven class website that highlights the "Plants of the Duke University Campus: - Outreach from teaching Bio 142L · December 20, 2010 Other
A Duke student-run organization that hosts educational outreach programs for 4th-6th grade girls from Durham public schools - Duke University: faculty mentor participant in FEMMES (Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and Science) · February 1, 2010 Other Service to the Community
A Duke student-run organization that hosts educational outreach programs for 4th-6th grade girls from Durham public schools - Duke University: faculty mentor participant in FEMMES (Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, and Science) · February 1, 2010 Other
Unknown - Duke University Herbarium (Awareness Campaign) · December 20, 2009 Other
Unknown - Duke University Herbarium (Awareness Campaign) · December 20, 2009 Other Service to the Community ; Initiated annual Herbarium reports to document the high use of the facility (through loan activity and visits) and refereed publications that cite the Duke collection (about 100/year). Spearheaded the development of a new Herbarium URL and website -- -- that went live in November 2010. Organized the sale of Duke herbarium prints (high-resolution, archival-quality scans) through Duke Stores (Terrace Shop at Sarah Duke Gardens), with proceeds going toward a newly established Herbarium Fund. This was done in connection with a prominent framing gallery in Durham to generate some self-sustaining revenue and to raise our public profile. In collaboration with Duke Libraries, I initiated a project that digitized all the vascular type specimens at Duke (nearly 1000 specimens), and this collection will go live as part of the Duke Herbarium website in January 2013.

Service to the Profession

President · 2012 - 2013 Other American Society of Plant Taxonomists,
President · 2012 - 2014 Other American Fern Society,
Council Member, International Association of Plant Taxonomists (IAPT) · 2011 - 2017 Editorial Activities
Associate Editor : Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution · 2010 Editorial Activities
Associate Editor : Annals of Botany · 2010 Editorial Activities

Service to Duke

DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE STUDIES · July 2014 - June 2020 Other Department of Biology, Duke University,

Serve as chair of departmental graduate recruiting, admissions, and fellowship committees; nominate students for Graduate School fellowships; monitor students’ annual progress towards degree; participate in RCR compliance training; annually assess the quality of the graduate program using quantitative metrics and descriptive narrative for University accreditation reports.

ACADEMIC PROGRAMS COMMITTEE (University) · 2006 - 2009 Committee Service Provost appointment,

The APC is an advisory body to the Provost. The charge to the APC is a broad one in terms of advising the Provost on university-wide academic issues as well as providing advice on the creation, termination, or contraction of academic units. The full Committee meets once a month. Members serve on one of two subcommittees which meet every three weeks. The membership of the APC is comprised of senior faculty members from schools with undergraduate bodies and the professional schools, including two from the Executive Committee of the Academic Council. Ex officio members include the Provost, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Chair of the Academic Council, and the Executive Vice Provost, among others. Term: three years.

DIRECTOR OF DUKE HERBARIUM · 2005 - 2025 Other Department of Biology, Duke University,

Includes overseeing budget and general operations for the Duke Herbarium which comprises five research/teaching collections (nearly 1M specimens): vascular plants, bryophytes, algae, lichens, and basidiomycete fungi. Fourteen Duke staff members are associated with the Herbarium (9 curators (3 emeritus); 5 collection managers).