Outreach & Engaged Scholarship
Primary Theme: Global Health
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of deaths and disability in many low-and middle-income countries, including Nepal. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases demands innovative solutions through multidisciplinary and multifaceted approaches. Nepal’s female community health volunteer program has been in place for three decades. Duke researchers have conducted a trial to successfully extend the roles of these volunteers from primarily maternal and child health interventions to include hypertension, a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. With a nearly 100% mobile phone ownership rate in the country, Nepal’s Ministry of Health has prioritized mobile health (mHealth) interventions. Medic Mobile has received support to scale up its feature-phone-based (non-smartphone) program to thousands of female community health volunteers to address prenatal care and maternal health. This Bass Connections project will collaborate with these partners to develop design insights and feature-phone-based programs, which will create a foundation for interventions with the potential to make a significant impact on hypertension prevention and control.
Primary Theme: Information, Society & Culture
The landmark sequencing of the human genome in 2003 heralded a new era in biomedical research, one that promised to accelerate the pace of discovery and open up entirely new avenues to understanding the genetic molecular basis of disease. A key result thus far has been the development of genomics-based tools to diagnose, predict disease onset or recurrence, tailor treatment options and assess treatment response. These advancements have developed concurrently with electronic medical records, digital (e-health) technologies and the shift toward patient-centered care. As a result of the tools now available to characterize biospecimens and collect a range of personal data through wearables and apps, researchers face an influx of heterogeneous datasets and many challenges (and opportunities) for data analysis. Translating these discoveries into actionable diagnostics, interventions and therapies remains a substantial challenge. A complex array of scientific, regulatory, ethical and financial hurdles lie between the laboratory bench and the integration of a safe and effective application into clinical practice.