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Salim Farouk Idriss

Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatrics, Cardiology
Box 3090 Med Ctr, Pediatric Cardiology, Durham, NC
Pediatric Cardiology, Dept of Pediatrics, DUMC, Durham, NC


I am primarily interested in the effects of age and development on cardiac electrical stability. The electrical properties of the myocardium continue to develop and mature after birth. These changes may affect susceptibility to malignant arrhythmias at different ages. I strive to prevent sudden cardiac death in the young (SCDY) through primary prevention (screening) and secondary prevention (CPR and AED use) locally, state-wide, and nationally through academic, public, industry, and government collaboration.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor of Pediatrics · 2023 - Present Pediatrics, Cardiology, Pediatrics

Education, Training & Certifications

Duke University · 1996 M.D.
Duke University · 1995 Ph.D.