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Stacy King

MMCi Instructor in the Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
MMCi Program
Box 90120, Durham, NC 27708-0120
Fuqua School of Business, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Publications

A “good” new brand — What happens when new brands try to stand out through corporate social responsibility

Journal Article Journal of Business Research · November 1, 2018 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly used as a key part of a firm's branding strategy, especially for new brands hoping to stand out in mature markets. Unfortunately, data here demonstrate that new product trial is lower when new brands to ... Full text Cite

The efficacy of green package cues for mainstream versus niche brands: How mainstream green brands can suffer at the shelf

Journal Article Journal of Advertising Research · June 1, 2018 Mainstream brands are increasingly introducing environmentally-friendly lines to compete with successful niche “green” brands, but are there unique challenges for mainstream brands that go green? The authors posit that mainstream brands’ green offerings ca ... Full text Cite

Looking innovative: Exploring the role of impression management in high-tech product adoption and use

Conference Journal of Product Innovation Management · January 1, 2013 Although consumer adoption of high-tech innovations is certainly influenced by the product's functional benefits, can the use of a new product confer social benefits as well? Specifically, can the mere use of an innovative product convey the impression tha ... Full text Cite

Suspicious minds: Exploring neural processes during exposure to deceptive advertising

Journal Article Journal of Marketing Research · January 1, 2012 When viewing advertisements, consumers must decide what to believe and what is meant to deceive. Accordingly, much behavioral research has explored strategies and outcomes of how consumers process persuasive messages that vary in perceived sincerity. New n ... Full text Cite

Prone to progress: Using personality to identify supporters of innovative social entrepreneurship

Journal Article Journal of Public Policy and Marketing · January 1, 2012 One of the main challenges in social entrepreneurship is capturing stakeholder support-from consumers, to legislators, to volunteers, to many others. Identifying likely supporters is the first step to sustainable success, but a difficult one. This research ... Full text Cite

The bad thing about good games: The relationship between close sporting events and game-day traffic fatalities

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · December 1, 2011 For sports fans, great games are the close ones-those between evenly matched opponents, where the game remains undecided until the very end. However, the dark side to sporting events is the incidence of traffic fatalities due to game-related drinking. Here ... Full text Cite

Smart subcategories: How assortment formats influence consumer learning and satisfaction

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · June 1, 2010 We show that formats used by retailers to organize assortments into subcategories can enhance or encumber consumers' learning and satisfaction. For more knowledgeable consumers, unexpected subcategory formats provide a newness cue, thereby increasing effor ... Full text Cite

Effects of online communication practices on consumer perceptions of performance uncertainty for search and experience goods

Journal Article Journal of Retailing · December 1, 2007 The "intangible" nature of e-commerce may cause shoppers to be uncertain about whether products ordered online will fit their needs or perform up to expectations. Such uncertainty is a dimension of consumer risk, or feelings that result because the actual ... Full text Cite

Self-generated advertisements: Testimonials and the perils of consumer exaggeration

Journal Article Journal of Advertising Research · January 1, 2007 Full text Cite

Predicting happiness: How normative feeling rules influence (and even reverse) durability bias

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Psychology · January 1, 2007 Consumers' purchase decisions are often influenced by a simple assessment of how long they expect an anticipated purchase (e.g., buying a sports car or a new outfit) will make them happy. Unfortunately, affective forecasts are prone to durability bias (i.e ... Full text Cite

From fear to loathing? How emotion influences the evaluation and early use of innovations

Journal Article Journal of Marketing · July 1, 2006 Innovation adoption is rarely a short process for consumers; accordingly, recent research has explored adoption as a dynamic process that is characterized by changing patterns, or diffusion, of consumer use of the innovation. This research suggests that ad ... Full text Cite

Paradox and the consumption of authenticity through reality television

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · September 1, 2005 We position reality television within the broader category of consumer practices of authenticity seeking in a postmodern cultural context. The study draws on relevant perspectives from consumer research, literary criticism, sociology, and anthropology to a ... Full text Cite

Families and innovative consumer behavior: A triadic analysis of sibling and parental influence

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · June 1, 2004 Although family socialization is a rich field in consumer behavior, to date no research has been done to disaggregate family influences on behavior into separate parent and sibling components. Here we use triadic analysis (parent and two siblings) to explo ... Full text Cite

Future fantasies: A social change perspective of retailing in the 21st century

Journal Article Journal of Retailing · May 20, 2002 Experts expect great retailing changes in the next ten years. What do consumers expect? With increasing innovation in retail technology and the large-scale implementation of e-commerce formats, shifts in consumer behavior can be categorized as social chang ... Full text Cite

Psychological indicators of innovation adoption: Cross-classification based on need for cognition and need for change

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Psychology · January 1, 2002 Predicting how and when consumers will switch from a current familiar brand to a new option is a matter of concern for every level of new product introduction - from brand extensions to "really new" discontinuous innovations. In this article, we build on t ... Full text Cite

Psychological indicators of innovation adoption: Cross-classification based on need for cognition and need for change

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Psychology · January 1, 2002 Predicting how and when consumers will switch from a current familiar brand to a new option is a matter of concern for every level of new product introduction - from brand extensions to "really new" discontinuous innovations. In this article, we build on t ... Full text Cite

Prior knowledge and complacency in new product learning

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · 2002 Cite

Remote purchase environments: The influence of return policy leniency on two-stage decision processes

Journal Article Journal of Marketing Research · January 1, 2001 The growth of catalog sales and the enormous potential of e-commerce elevates the importance of understanding remote purchase. Remote purchase environments differ from traditional bricks- and-mortar purchases in that the purchase decision is more likely to ... Full text Cite

A “good” new brand — What happens when new brands try to stand out through corporate social responsibility

Journal Article Journal of Business Research · November 1, 2018 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly used as a key part of a firm's branding strategy, especially for new brands hoping to stand out in mature markets. Unfortunately, data here demonstrate that new product trial is lower when new brands to ... Full text Cite

The efficacy of green package cues for mainstream versus niche brands: How mainstream green brands can suffer at the shelf

Journal Article Journal of Advertising Research · June 1, 2018 Mainstream brands are increasingly introducing environmentally-friendly lines to compete with successful niche “green” brands, but are there unique challenges for mainstream brands that go green? The authors posit that mainstream brands’ green offerings ca ... Full text Cite

Looking innovative: Exploring the role of impression management in high-tech product adoption and use

Conference Journal of Product Innovation Management · January 1, 2013 Although consumer adoption of high-tech innovations is certainly influenced by the product's functional benefits, can the use of a new product confer social benefits as well? Specifically, can the mere use of an innovative product convey the impression tha ... Full text Cite

Suspicious minds: Exploring neural processes during exposure to deceptive advertising

Journal Article Journal of Marketing Research · January 1, 2012 When viewing advertisements, consumers must decide what to believe and what is meant to deceive. Accordingly, much behavioral research has explored strategies and outcomes of how consumers process persuasive messages that vary in perceived sincerity. New n ... Full text Cite

Prone to progress: Using personality to identify supporters of innovative social entrepreneurship

Journal Article Journal of Public Policy and Marketing · January 1, 2012 One of the main challenges in social entrepreneurship is capturing stakeholder support-from consumers, to legislators, to volunteers, to many others. Identifying likely supporters is the first step to sustainable success, but a difficult one. This research ... Full text Cite

The bad thing about good games: The relationship between close sporting events and game-day traffic fatalities

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · December 1, 2011 For sports fans, great games are the close ones-those between evenly matched opponents, where the game remains undecided until the very end. However, the dark side to sporting events is the incidence of traffic fatalities due to game-related drinking. Here ... Full text Cite

Smart subcategories: How assortment formats influence consumer learning and satisfaction

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · June 1, 2010 We show that formats used by retailers to organize assortments into subcategories can enhance or encumber consumers' learning and satisfaction. For more knowledgeable consumers, unexpected subcategory formats provide a newness cue, thereby increasing effor ... Full text Cite

Effects of online communication practices on consumer perceptions of performance uncertainty for search and experience goods

Journal Article Journal of Retailing · December 1, 2007 The "intangible" nature of e-commerce may cause shoppers to be uncertain about whether products ordered online will fit their needs or perform up to expectations. Such uncertainty is a dimension of consumer risk, or feelings that result because the actual ... Full text Cite

Self-generated advertisements: Testimonials and the perils of consumer exaggeration

Journal Article Journal of Advertising Research · January 1, 2007 Full text Cite

Predicting happiness: How normative feeling rules influence (and even reverse) durability bias

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Psychology · January 1, 2007 Consumers' purchase decisions are often influenced by a simple assessment of how long they expect an anticipated purchase (e.g., buying a sports car or a new outfit) will make them happy. Unfortunately, affective forecasts are prone to durability bias (i.e ... Full text Cite

From fear to loathing? How emotion influences the evaluation and early use of innovations

Journal Article Journal of Marketing · July 1, 2006 Innovation adoption is rarely a short process for consumers; accordingly, recent research has explored adoption as a dynamic process that is characterized by changing patterns, or diffusion, of consumer use of the innovation. This research suggests that ad ... Full text Cite

Paradox and the consumption of authenticity through reality television

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · September 1, 2005 We position reality television within the broader category of consumer practices of authenticity seeking in a postmodern cultural context. The study draws on relevant perspectives from consumer research, literary criticism, sociology, and anthropology to a ... Full text Cite

Families and innovative consumer behavior: A triadic analysis of sibling and parental influence

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · June 1, 2004 Although family socialization is a rich field in consumer behavior, to date no research has been done to disaggregate family influences on behavior into separate parent and sibling components. Here we use triadic analysis (parent and two siblings) to explo ... Full text Cite

Future fantasies: A social change perspective of retailing in the 21st century

Journal Article Journal of Retailing · May 20, 2002 Experts expect great retailing changes in the next ten years. What do consumers expect? With increasing innovation in retail technology and the large-scale implementation of e-commerce formats, shifts in consumer behavior can be categorized as social chang ... Full text Cite

Psychological indicators of innovation adoption: Cross-classification based on need for cognition and need for change

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Psychology · January 1, 2002 Predicting how and when consumers will switch from a current familiar brand to a new option is a matter of concern for every level of new product introduction - from brand extensions to "really new" discontinuous innovations. In this article, we build on t ... Full text Cite

Psychological indicators of innovation adoption: Cross-classification based on need for cognition and need for change

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Psychology · January 1, 2002 Predicting how and when consumers will switch from a current familiar brand to a new option is a matter of concern for every level of new product introduction - from brand extensions to "really new" discontinuous innovations. In this article, we build on t ... Full text Cite

Prior knowledge and complacency in new product learning

Journal Article Journal of Consumer Research · 2002 Cite

Remote purchase environments: The influence of return policy leniency on two-stage decision processes

Journal Article Journal of Marketing Research · January 1, 2001 The growth of catalog sales and the enormous potential of e-commerce elevates the importance of understanding remote purchase. Remote purchase environments differ from traditional bricks- and-mortar purchases in that the purchase decision is more likely to ... Full text Cite

Interactive home shopping: Consumer, retailer, and manufacturer incentives to participate in electronic marketplaces

Journal Article Journal of Marketing · January 1, 1997 The authors examine the implications of electronic shopping for consumers, retailers, and manufacturers. They assume that near-term technological developments will offer consumers unparalleled opportunities to locate and compare product offerings. They exa ... Full text Cite