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Sumedha Ariely

Associate Professor of the Practice of Global Health
Duke Global Health Institute
Trent Hall 211, BOX_90519, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Publications

Three-year change in the wellbeing of orphaned and separated children in institutional and family-based care settings in five low- and middle-income countries.

Journal Article PLoS One · 2014 BACKGROUND: With more than 2 million children living in group homes, or "institutions", worldwide, the extent to which institution-based caregiving negatively affects development and wellbeing is a central question for international policymakers. METHODS: ... Full text Link to item Cite

Incorporating open-ended, service-oriented projects into a senior product design class: Methodology and outcomes

Conference Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference · January 1, 2006 The senior-level mechanical engineering design class at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is 2.009: Product Engineering Processes. Students work in large teams over a semester to develop mechanical and electro-mechanical alpha prototypes for a wide ... Full text Cite

Faculty views of service learning in mechanical engineering at MIT

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2005 An initial effort is being made in MIT's undergraduate mechanical engineering curriculum to develop archetypes and resources for using service learning broadly in different types of engineering classes: design, analysis-based engineering science, and exper ... Cite

Mechanisms for implementing service learning: Analysis of efforts in a senior product design class in mechanical engineering

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2005 Interest in applying and studying service learning in engineering courses is increasing due to both the experiential learning and values-based approach it offers. Integration of service learning into a required senior-level mechanical engineering product d ... Cite

Adults Who Were Adopted Contacting Their Birthmothers: What Are the Outcomes, and What Factors Influence These Outcomes?

Journal Article Adoption Quarterly · January 5, 2004 In the present study, adults (n = 90) who were adopted were surveyed about their contact experience and the types of relationships formed with their birthmothers as a result of the contact experience. Results showed that the majority of participants evalua ... Full text Cite

Predictors of Psychological Functioning and Adoption Experience in Adults Searching for Their Birthparents

Journal Article Adoption Quarterly · March 1, 2002 The present study examined potential predictors of psychological functioning and adoption experience in adults who had either already met or were in the process of meeting their birthparents. A sample (n = 345) of adults was surveyed with questions targeti ... Full text Cite

Coordination of speaking and acting in the second year of life

Journal Article Mind, Culture, and Activity · January 1, 1999 We offer a conceptual reformulation of the relations between two major psychological functions, speaking and acting. The role of speech in regulating action is traditionally presented in cultural-historical psychology as a gradual takeover and control of t ... Full text Cite

Means to the goal of remembering: developmental changes in awareness of strategy use--performance relations.

Journal Article Journal of experimental child psychology · June 1997 We examined awareness of the causal relation between strategy use and recall performance among preschoolers, first graders, and third graders, and the relation of this awareness to children's study behavior and recall. In session 1, children were presented ... Full text Cite