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Thomas Myron Coffman

James R. Clapp Distinguished Professor of Medicine, in the School of Medicine
Medicine, Nephrology
Duke Box 103015, Durham, NC 27710
Room 2018/MSBR2, 106 Research Drive, Durham, NC 27710

Current Appointments & Affiliations

James R. Clapp Distinguished Professor of Medicine, in the School of Medicine · 2002 - Present Medicine, Nephrology, Medicine
Professor of Medicine · 1999 - Present Medicine, Nephrology, Medicine
Professor in Cell Biology · 2005 - Present Cell Biology, Basic Science Departments
Professor in Immunology · 2006 - Present Integrative Immunobiology, Basic Science Departments

Previous Appointments & Affiliations

Chief, Division of Nephrology · 1997 - 2014 Medicine, Nephrology, Medicine
Senior Vice-chair for Academic Affairs in the Department of Medicine · 2007 - 2014 Medicine, Clinical Science Departments
Associate Professor of Medicine with Tenure · 1994 - 1998 Medicine, Nephrology, Medicine
Assistant Professor of Medicine · 1987 - 1994 Medicine, Nephrology, Medicine
Associate in the Department of Medicine · 1985 - 1986 Medicine, Clinical Science Departments