Selected Presentations & Appearances
Validation of a self-reported measure of extent and reasons for nonadherence in SLE
· November 3, 2021
- November 9, 2021
American College of Rhematology Annual meeting,
Exploring Possible Interpretation Differences by Men and Women on the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) via Qualitative Interviews.
- Annual Conference for the International Society for Quality of Life Research
· October 2021
Invited Talk
Using Mixed Methods to Evaluate Differential Item Functioning on the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) Physical Limitations Domain.
- 28th Annual Conference for the International Society for Quality of Life Research
· October 2021
Helping Assess Rural MOUD: Novel Office-based Treatment (HARM NOT)
- the Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit
· April 5, 2021
- April 8, 2021
Invited Talk
Screening for Eustachian Tube Dysfunction in Clinical Practice Using the ETDQ-7.
· January 2021
Invited Talk
The Triological Society 2021 Combined Sections Virtual Meeting,
Estimation of Clinically Important Differences in Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Measures in Juvenile Myositis
· November 8, 2020
Invited Talk
Using patient-reported outcomes measures to classy patients with systemi lupus erythematosus.
· November 6, 2020
American College of Rheumatology Convergence,
Introduction to Patient-Reported Outcomes Assessments
· November 2, 2019
Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium
ISPOR Europe,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Introduction to Patient-Reported Outcomes Assessments
- Patient Engagement and Clinical Practice Special Interest Group Symposium: Patient engagement with PRO completion in clinical practice: Challenges and solutions
· October 20, 2019
International Meeting or Conference
26th Annual International Society for Quality of Life Research ,
San Diego, CA
Development and validation of the IG patient experience with treatment (IGPET), a novel patient-reported measure for individuals with primary immunodeficiency.
- Annual International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Meeting
· May 18, 2019
- May 22, 2019
Invited Talk
New Orleans, LA. USA
Gender variation in the predictive validity of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire.
- American College of Cardiology’s 68th Annual Scientific Session & Expo
· March 18, 2019
- March 18, 2019
New Orleans, LA
Experience with immunoglobulin treatment among patients with PIDD in the US
- the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Annual Meeting
· February 2019
- February 2019
San Francisco, CA
Psychometric Evaluation of the Immunoglobulin Patient Experience with Treatment (IgPET) in Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases.
- Presented at the 25th Annual International Society for Quality of Life Research
· October 26, 2018
- October 26, 2018
International Meeting or Conference
Dublin, Ireland
Using Patient-reported Outcome Measures for Screening or Diagnostic Purposes: Advantages and Challenges.
- Presented as part of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) webinar
· June 11, 2018
- June 11, 2018
Engaging the Strengths and Limits of Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment
- Presented at Prescribing Wisely: Psychiatric Medications and the Whole Person
· June 7, 2018
- June 9, 2018
Durham, NC.
CDFs and PDFs: Comparing Visual Methods Supporting Responder Thresholds in Clinical TrialsQin
- ISPOR 23nd Annual International Meeting
· May 19, 2018
- May 23, 2018
International Meeting or Conference
Baltimore, MD
What impacts the stability of anchor-based responder definitions?
· October 18, 2017
- October 21, 2017
International Meeting or Conference
Philadelphia, PA
Factors associated with sleep disturbance as individuals diagnosed with colorectal cancer transition to early survivorship
- HealthMeasures Users Conference
· September 27, 2017
- September 28, 2017
Chicago, IL
Psychometric evaluation of the newly developed Hypoparathyroidism Symptom Diary
- 19th European Congress of Endocrinology
· May 20, 2017
- May 23, 2017
International Meeting or Conference
Lisbon, Portugal
Psychometric evaluation of the newly developed hypoparathyroidism symptom diary Endocrine Abstracts
- 19th European Congress of Endocrinology
· May 20, 2017
- May 23, 2017
Lisbon, Portugal
Psychometric evaluation and health care provider feedback on a symptom tracker for use by patients with heart failure.
- the European Society of Cardiology (ESD) Heart Failure
· April 30, 2017
International Meeting or Conference
Paris, France
Evaluating power in regression mixture models: a simulation study using patient-reported outcome data
- the 23rd Annual International Society for Quality of Life Research Conference
· October 19, 2016
- October 22, 2016
International Meeting or Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark
Development of a symptom tracker for use by patients with heart failure
- the Heart Failure Society of America
· September 17, 2016
- September 20, 2016
Orlando, FL
Adding bevacizumab to single-agent chemotherapy for the treatment of platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer: a cost-effectiveness analysis of the AURELIA trial.
- Society of Gynecologic Oncology
· March 19, 2016
- March 22, 2016
International Meeting or Conference
San Diego, CA
Adding Bevacizumab To Single-Agent Chemotherapy For The Treatment Of Platinum-Resistant Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Of The Aurelia Trial
- 18th Annual European Conference for the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· November 7, 2015
- November 11, 2015
International Meeting or Conference
Milan, Italy
Psoriasis treatment response as measured by skin clearance is strongly related to patient-reported change in psoriasis impact.
- 24th European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Congress
· October 2015
International Meeting or Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark
Greater psoriasis area and severity index response leads to greater improvement in patient-reported overall impact of psoriasis.
- 24th European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Congress
· October 2015
International Meeting or Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Psychometric evaluation of the Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis (sIBM) Physical Functioning Assessment (sIFA)
- 1st Annual International Conference on Myositis
· May 2015
International Meeting or Conference
Stockholm, Sweden
Rasch First? Factor First?
- Poster presented at the 17th Annual European Conference for the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· November 8, 2014
- November 12, 2014
International Meeting or Conference
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Current sample size practices in the psychometric evaluation of patient reported outcomes for use in clinical trials.
- Poster presented at the 17th Annual European Conference for the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· November 8, 2014
- November 12, 2014
International Meeting or Conference
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Psychometric evaluation of the patient's knee implant performance (PKIP) questionnaire for the assessment of primary total knee arthroplasty.
- Poster presented at the 17th Annual European Conference for the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· November 8, 2014
- November 12, 2014
International Meeting or Conference
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Interpretation of patient-reported outcome results in routine clinical oncology practice: a literature review of presentation considerations.
- Poster presented at the 20th Annual Conference for the International Society for Quality of Life Researc
· October 9, 2013
- October 12, 2013
International Meeting or Conference
Miami, FL
Patients' and caregivers' perspectives on stability of factor VIII products for hemophilia A: a web-based study in the United States and Canada.
- Poster presented at the 65th Annual International Meeting of the National Hemophilia Foundation
· October 3, 2013
- October 5, 2013
International Meeting or Conference
Anaheim, CA
Recruiting patients with a rare blood disorder and their caregivers through social media.
- Poster presented at the 18th Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· May 18, 2013
- May 22, 2013
International Meeting or Conference
New Orleans, LA
Web-based study of patients and caregivers in the United States and Canada: perspectives on improvements in stability of factor VIII products for hemophilia A.
- Poster presented at the 18th Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· May 18, 2013
- May 22, 2013
International Meeting or Conference
New Orleans, LA
Improvements in health-related quality of life in acromegaly: results from a large, randomized double-blind phase 3 trial.
- Presented at the 15th Annual European Congress of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· November 3, 2012
- November 7, 2012
International Meeting or Conference
Berlin, Germany
Clinical and patient-reported outcomes associated to pasireotide in patients with Cushing's disease.
- Presented at the 15th Annual Congress of the European Neuroendocrine Association
· September 12, 2012
- September 15, 2012
International Meeting or Conference
Vienna, Austria
Examining the relationship between changes in PRO measures of chronic constipation symptoms and the PAC-QOL: results from two phase 3 trials of linaclotide.
- Poster presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research
· October 26, 2011
- October 29, 2011
International Meeting or Conference
Denver, CO
Psychometric evaluation of the Cushing's Quality of Life Questionnaire (CushingQOL).
- Presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research
· October 26, 2011
- October 29, 2011
International Meeting or Conference
Denver, CO
The relationship between changes in PRO measures of IBS-C symptoms and the IBS-QOL: Results from two phase 3 trials of linaclotide.
- Poster presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research
· October 26, 2011
- October 29, 2011
International Meeting or Conference
Denver, CO
Advanced psychometric methods for PRO development - factor analysis.
- Workshop presented at the 18th Annual Conference for the International Society for Quality of Life Research
· October 26, 2011
- October 29, 2011
Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium
Denver, CO
A comparison of factors influencing patient knowledge: results across selected REMS surveys
- Presented at the 27th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management
· August 2011
International Meeting or Conference
Chicago, IL.
Pérez-Gutthann S, Andrews E. Quinolones REMS Evaluation Surveys
- Poster presented at the 27th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management
· August 2011
International Meeting or Conference
Chicago, IL.
Measurement comparability between paper and alternate versions: recommended assessment steps using the lung function questionnaire as an example.
- Poster presented at the 16th Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· May 21, 2011
- May 25, 2011
International Meeting or Conference
Baltimore, MD
Visually evaluating the measurement comparability between paper-based and alternate versions of administration of the lung function questionnaire.
- Poster presented at the 16th Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· May 21, 2011
- May 25, 2011
International Meeting or Conference
Baltimore, MD
Mixed modes of administration of the lung function questionnaire: validation in subjects with smoking history
- Poster presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference
· May 13, 2011
- May 18, 2011
International Meeting or Conference
Denver, CO
Elementary school-based influenza vaccination programs: findings to inform pandemic vaccination campaigns.
- Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting
· May 1, 2010
- May 4, 2010
International Meeting or Conference
Vancouver, Canada
Elementary school-based influenza vaccination programs: findings to inform pandemic vaccination campaigns
- Poster presented at the 44th Annual National Immunization Conference
· April 19, 2010
- April 22, 2010
International Meeting or Conference
Atlanta, GA
Let SAS do the work: correlation crossroads.
- Presented at the SAS Global Forum
· April 2010
Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium
Seattle, WA
Stacked cumulative percent plots.
- Presented at the Pharmaceutical Industry SAS Users Group Conference (PharmaSUG)
· June 2009
Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium
Portland, OR.
Longitudinal data exploration with stacked cumulative percent plots for categorical data.
- Poster presented at the 14th Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
· May 2009
International Meeting or Conference
Orlando, FL
Examining the effectiveness of telephone prompting in increasing self-administered Web participation.
- Presented at the Annual Southern Association for Public Opinion Research Conference
· October 2006
Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium
Raleigh, NC.
BPS:04/06 field test interview outcomes.
- Presented at the BPS:04/06 Technical Review Panel Meeting
· September 2005
Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium
Washington, DC.
Exercise and its association with depressive symptoms.
- Presented at the 5th Annual Celebration of Student Research and Creative Endeavors
· May 2003
International Meeting or Conference
Boone, NC.
Physical Activity and depression in a college student sample
- Presented at the North Carolina Psychological Association Spring Conference
· May 2003
International Meeting or Conference
Chapel Hill, NC.