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Vivian Hou Chu

Associate Professor of Medicine
Medicine, Infectious Diseases
Duke Box 102359, Div of Infectious Diseases, Durham, NC 27710
Room 177 Hanes House, Trent Drive, Durham, NC 27710

Advising & Mentoring

Dr. Chu is the co-director of the 3rd year Duke medical student Clinical Research Study Program (CRSP). This program oversees the clinical research experience of ~10-20 year medical students per year. The program provides mentorship, didactics, and ensures that students actively engage in a specific research project with the goal of a manuscript acceptable for peer-review.

As the Associate Director of Education for Duke’s Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) program (U54) 2013 – 2018, Dr. Chu is working to develop educational and career development programs to enhance the success and productivity of clinical/translational researchers.

Dr. Chu is program director of the North Carolina Collaborative Summer Research Experience Program, an 8-week summer program to engage high school students and undergraduates in clinical research and career development in the health sciences. This is funded through the NIH (R25) 2013-2018.

Dr. Chu is also the faculty director for the Duke Clinical Research Undergraduate Experience (dCRUE) which is a weekly dinner lecture series that exposes Duke University undergraduates to clinical and translational research.