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William P. Petros

Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine
Medicine, Medical Oncology
Uvu Health Science Center, Room 1824, Morgantown, WV

Selected Publications

Effects of tobacco smoking and nicotine on cancer treatment.

Journal Article Pharmacotherapy · October 2012 A substantial number of the world's population continues to smoke tobacco, even in the setting of a cancer diagnosis. Studies have shown that patients with cancer who have a history of smoking have a worse prognosis than nonsmokers. Modulation of several p ... Full text Link to item Cite

Associations between drug metabolism genotype, chemotherapy pharmacokinetics, and overall survival in patients with breast cancer.

Journal Article J Clin Oncol · September 1, 2005 PURPOSE: To evaluate associations between patient survival, pharmacokinetics, and drug metabolism-related genetic polymorphisms in patients receiving a combination chemotherapy regimen for breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A genotype association study w ... Full text Link to item Cite

Pharmacogenomics in cancer therapy: is host genome variability important?

Journal Article Trends Pharmacol Sci · September 2004 Pharmacogenomics aims to elucidate the genomic determinants of drug disposition and effect. Because cancer chemotherapy is relatively nonspecific and has narrow therapeutic indices, there is great potential for pharmacogenomics to improve treatment outcome ... Full text Link to item Cite

Association of high-dose cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, and carmustine pharmacokinetics with survival, toxicity, and dosing weight in patients with primary breast cancer.

Journal Article Clin Cancer Res · March 2002 This report investigates relationships between the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of high-dose alkylators used for the treatment of primary breast cancer. Eighty-five women with primary breast cancer involving >or=10 lymph nodes received four cycles ... Link to item Cite