Selected Presentations & Appearances
Podcast interview about "A Permanent Beginning"
- New Books Network
· 2020
What rhymes with Scholem? Scholem and the Kabbalah as literary figures in the writing of Borges
- Marking 50 years since the famous meeting of Jorge Luis Borges and Gershom Scholem
· 2019
Invited Talk
Naitonal Library of Israel,
(The lecture begins at 54:35)
The Intellectual Writer and Literary Mysterium, or: What Borges Learned from the God of the Theologians
- Theopoetics: The Presence of Holiness in the Work of Art
· 2018
International Meeting or Conference
Bar-Ilan University,
An Invisible Difference: Defining Rabbi Nachman’s Contribution to the Constitution of Modern Jewish Literature
- International Conference: New Studies in Braslav Hassidism
· 2017
International Meeting or Conference
The Van Leer Institute,